
Serial library utilising DMA on the SAM3X8E MCU (Arduino Due).

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION


Serial library utilising DMA on the SAM3X8E MCU (Arduino Due).

If used with the Arduino environment, find the file variant.h (under sam/variants/arduino_due_x) and comment out the USARTClass and/or UARTClass objects that you want to replace with DmaSerial objects.

For an instance, if replacing Serial1, you shall comment out the lines containing:

RingBuffer rx_buffer2;

USARTClass Serial1(USART0, USART0_IRQn, ID_USART0, &rx_buffer2);


if (Serial1.available()) serialEvent1();


Then you simply instansiate (in the top of your sketch) a DmaSerial object as:

DmaSerial dma_serial1 = DmaSerial((Uart*)USART0, ID_USART0);

Use the put() and get() members to send/retreive data, don't forget to call begin() in the setup.