
Execute Objective-C code Dynamically. iOS hotfix SDK.

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT




Execute Objective-C code Dynamically.

Run Demo

You should use 'git clone --recursive'.

git clone --recursive https://github.com/SilverFruity/OCRunner.git


git clone https://github.com/SilverFruity/OCRunner.git
cd OCRunner
git submodule update --init --recursive

The unit tests of OCRunner.framework has move to OCRunnerDemo。


  • Execute Objective-C code Dynamically。

  • Unit test coverage is 86%。

  • Support link system Non-inline C function by using Global C function declaration syntax in script。

  • Support structure declaration syntax in script. You can freely use structures in scripts。

  • Support enum declaration syntax.

  • Support typedef.

  • Support call multiple arguments function and method.

  • Support pointer operators : '&' and '*'.

  • Support Protocol.

  • Optinal libffi.a or build-in customized arm64 abi (modified from libffi)

    Default using libffi.a.

    • Do not use libffi.a: you should remove the reference of 'libffi' folder from project.
    • Use libffi.a: add the libffi folder to project.
  • Not support pre-compile, C array declaration syntax.

Recommend: start eating from the unit test.


NSString * source =
@"@protocol Protocol1 <NSObject>"
@"@property (nonatomic,copy)NSString *name;"
@"@protocol Protocol2 <Protocol1>"
@"- (void)sleep;"
@"@interface TestObject : NSObject <Protocol2>"
@"@property (nonatomic,copy)NSString *name;"
@"@implementation TestObject"
@"- (NSUInteger)getAge{"
@"    return 100;"
@"- (void)sleep{"
[ORInterpreter excute:source];
Class testClass = NSClassFromString(@"TestObject");
NSAssert([testClass conformsToProtocol:NSProtocolFromString(@"Protocol1")]);
NSAssert([testClass conformsToProtocol:NSProtocolFromString(@"Protocol2")]);
id object = [[testClass alloc] init];
NSAssert([object conformsToProtocol:NSProtocolFromString(@"Protocol1")]);
NSAssert([object conformsToProtocol:NSProtocolFromString(@"Protocol2")]);


pod 'OCRunner'      #for all architectures, include libffi.a
pod 'OCRunnerArm64' #only for arm64 or amr64e, no libffi.a

What's the difference of Objective-C

Not support pre-compile

Such as #define, #if etc.

The problems of hot fix Class

  • Problem 1:if Class1 have five method (a,b,c,d,e) and several properties, if i only want to hot fix 'a' method, how can i do it ? anwser: you only need to imp the 'a' method in scripts.

Fix Existed Class

The shortest way:

@implementation ORTestReplaceClass
- (int)otherMethod{
    return 10;
- (int)test{
    return [self otherMethod];

If want to add properties (not support add ivars), you should:

@interface ORTestReplaceClass : NSObject
@property (assign, nonatomic) NSInteger num;
@implementation ORTestReplaceClass
- (int)otherMethod{
    return 10;
- (int)test{
    return [self otherMethod];

Create new Class

In this situation, ORTestReplaceClass inherit NSObjece.

@implementation ORTestReplaceClass
- (int)otherMethod{
    return 10;
- (int)test{
    return [self otherMethod];

if you want to add ivar, property or customized superClass,you should imp @interface.

Notice: ivar must be used in new Class.

@interface ORTestReplaceClass : NSObject
  int _testValue;
  id _testObject;
@property (assign, nonatomic) NSInteger num;
@implementation ORTestReplaceClass
  int _impivar;
- (int)otherMethod{
    return 10;
- (int)test{
    return [self otherMethod];

Support Category Syntax

@implementation Demo
- (instancetype)initWithBaseUrl:(NSURL *)baseUrl{ }
- (NSString *)method2:(void(^)(NSString *name))callback{ }
@implementation Demo (Category)
- (NSString *)method3:(void(^)(NSString *name))callback{ }

About Enum Syntax

Not surpport NS_ENUMNS_OPTION.

You should use C syntax.

//typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, UIControlEvents) {}
//convert to this
typedef enum: NSUInteger {


About Struct Syntax

The referenced structure must be declared in advance.

// CGPoint must be in front of CGRect
struct CGPoint { 
    CGFloat x;
    CGFloat y;
// CGSize must be in front of CGRect
struct CGSize { 
    CGFloat width;
    CGFloat height;
struct CGSize { 
    CGPoint point;
    CGSize size; 

constant, type, struct, enum, global function.


Way 1:

// Need write those code in Application files
// Struct
ORStructDeclareTable *table = [ORStructDeclareTable shareInstance];
[table addStructDeclare:[ORStructDeclare structDecalre:@encode(CGPoint) keys:@[@"x",@"y"]]];
// Constant
[MFScopeChain.topScope setValue:[MFValue valueWithLongLong:DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH] withIndentifier:@"DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH"];

// Enum is similar to Constant
[MFScopeChain.topScope setValue:[MFValue valueWithULongLong:UIControlEventTouchDragInside] withIndentifier:@"UIControlEventTouchDragInside"];

Way 2:

// Need write those code in Scripts
typedef struct CGPoint { 
    CGFloat x;
    CGFloat y;
} CGPointss;
typedef enum: NSUInteger{
    UIControlEventTouchDown = 1 <<  0,
    UIControlEventTouchDownRepeat = 1 <<  1,
    UIControlEventTouchDragInside = 1 <<  2,
    UIControlEventAllTouchEvents = 0x00000FFF,
// it will add four types: CGPoint, CGPointss, UIControlEvents
// add four constants: UIControlEventTouchDown UIControlEventTouchDownRepeat UIControlEventTouchDragInside UIControlEventAllTouchEvents

Add new type

// use it in Scripts
typedef NSInteger dispatch_once_t;
// problem code:
typedef long long IntegerType;
typedef IntegerType dispatch_once_t;

Global Function

  1. Pre-compile function:
[MFScopeChain.topScope setValue:[MFValue valueWithBlock:^void(dispatch_queue_t queue, void (^block)(void)) {
		dispatch_async(queue, ^{
	}] withIndentifier:@"dispatch_async"]
  1. Non-inline function:
// add this in Scripts
void NSLog(NSString *format, ...);
  1. Inline function

    For example: dispatch_get_main_queue

    • Way 1
    // the code in Application files
    [MFScopeChain.topScope setValue:[MFValue valueWithBlock:^id() {
     		return dispatch_get_main_queue();
    • Way 2
    // write in script. OCRunner will auto print it in console on the debug mode.
    dispatch_queue_main_t dispatch_get_main_queue(void);
    // the code in Application files
    [ORSystemFunctionTable reg:@"dispatch_get_main_queue" pointer:&dispatch_get_main_queue];
  2. (CGRectMake etc.) Inline function、Custom function

// write in script
CGRect CGRectMake(CGFloat x, CGFloat y, CGFloat width, CGFloat height)
  CGRect rect;
  rect.origin.x = x; rect.origin.y = y;
  rect.size.width = width; rect.size.height = height;
  return rect;

About #import

#import can be omitted.

Not Support

  • int a[x]
  • typeof
  • @optional
  • @encode
  • @synchronized
  • @try
  • @catch
  • @available
  • @protocol
  • @autoreleasepool
  • @dynamic
  • @synthesize
  • IBOutlet
  • IBAction
  • IBInspectable

Thanks for

  • Mango
  • libffi
  • Procedure Call Standard for the ARM 64-bit Architecture.