
Deployment tools for formidable.com websites

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formideploy ๐Ÿšข

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Our one stop shop for deploying Formidable websites! Neato things for our website and OSS landers:

  • ๐Ÿ•ฏ๏ธ Per-PR deploys to staging
  • ๐Ÿš€ Merge deploys to production
  • ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ Production archives with 1 command ๐Ÿงป rollbacks
  • ๐Ÿƒโ€โ™€๏ธ Instant CDN results and tuned cache headers
  • ๐Ÿ”€ Configuration based path redirects



Usage: formideploy <action> [options]

Actions: (<action>)
  serve         Run local server from static build directory
  deploy        Deploy build directory to website
  archives      List production archives or single archive

  --port        (serve)     Port to run local server on.            [number] [default: 5000]
  --staging     (deploy)    Deploy build to staging site.           [boolean]
  --production  (deploy)    Deploy build to staging production.     [boolean]
  --dryrun      (deploy)    Don't actually run deployment actions.  [boolean]
  --archive     (serve)     Archive to serve locally.               [string]
                (deploy)    Archive to rollback to.
                (archives)  Display metadata for single archive.
  --limit       (archives)  Max number of archives to list.         [number] [default: 10]
  --start       (archives)  Newest date to list archives from.      [date] [default: Date.now()]
  --help, -h                Show help                               [boolean]
  --version, -v             Show version number                     [boolean]

  formideploy serve --port=3333               Serve build directory on port 5000.
  formideploy serve \                         Serve from remote archive.
                --archive archive-8638408693935591-20200604-212744-409-bf41536-clean.tar.gz
  formideploy deploy --staging                Deploy build to staging.
  formideploy deploy --production --dryrun    Simulate production build deploy.
  formideploy deploy --production \           Rollback deploy to archive.
                --archive archive-8638408693935591-20200604-212744-409-bf41536-clean.tar.gz
  formideploy archives --limit 5              List 5 most recent archives
  formideploy archives \                      List archives on/after specific UTC date.
                --start 2020-06-05T02:22:34.842Z
  formideploy archives \                      Display metadata for single archive.
                --archive archive-8638408693935591-20200604-212744-409-bf41536-clean.tar.gz


Formideploy helps serve and deploy for our main website (formidable.com) and our various project landers (e.g., spectacle/docs served at formidable.com/open-source/spectacle).

Project integration entails configuration within a repository and secrets placed into CI.

Repository configuration

To add formideploy to your project, first add it via yarn:

$ yarn add --dev formideploy

Typically, you'll then want some helper package.json:scripts wrappers:

// package.json
"scripts": {
  "clean": "**NOTE**: Not part of formideploy, but should remove all previous distributions",
  "build": "**NOTE**: Not part of formideploy, but should produce a full prod distribution",
  "serve": "formideploy serve",
  "deploy:stage": "formideploy deploy --staging",
  "deploy:prod": "formideploy deploy --production",

And then you'll need to override some configuration variables.

Please open up and read all of lib/config/defaults.js (particularly the fields with REQUIRED comments). The configuration file is self-documenting for everything that you will need to integrate your project.

You will then need to override the applicable defaults with a configuration file in the current working directory from which you run formideploy named formideploy.config.js. The overrides can be either a function that takes as input the default configuration and mutates it, or an object which is deep merged into the defaults.

Here are both ways of doing the necessary overrides:

// formideploy.config.js (Object Version)
module.exports = {
  lander: {
    name: "spectacle"
// formideploy.config.js (Function Version)
module.exports = (cfg) => {
  cfg.lander.name = "spectacle";
  return cfg;



If you want to do production deploys / testing locally on your machine, you'll need the AWS CLI v2:

$ brew install awscli

# Note: Make sure version 2+!
$ aws --version
aws-cli/2.1.15 Python/3.9.1 Darwin/19.6.0 source/x86_64 prompt/off

Then, set up aws-vault with the AWS access and secret keys for an entry named AWS IAM ({LANDER_NAME}-ci) of AWS IAM (formidable-com-ci) for the base website in the IC vault:

$ brew cask install aws-vault
$ aws-vault add fmd-{LANDER_NAME}-ci

For a quick check to confirm that everything works, try:

$ aws-vault exec fmd-{LANDER_NAME}-ci -- aws s3 ls s3://formidable.com

and you should see a listing of files for the base website.


The following section discusses how to hook up staging and production deploys in your CI.

โš ๏ธ Warning: Our production secrets allow some pretty powerful things like deleting the production website. When doing your final production integrating / testing from localdev make sure to seek out review and guidance from a teammate who has been through the full integration process before and/or Lauren or Roemer.


We maintain our secrets in 1password and the relevant credentials can be found in the Individual Contributor IC vault. Most of the secrets we need are environment variables that need to be added to CI.

GitHub Actions: GitHub actions have encrypted secrets that you can enter in your repository website at something like https://github.com/FormidableLabs/{PROJECT_NAME}/settings/secrets/actions.

Choose Repository secrets to be available always to the repository. Then enter the secret using the matching environment variable name as requested.

Travis: See the encryption guide. We recommend using the Ruby gem and manually outputting the secret to shell, then adding it to your .travis.yml with a comment about what the environment variable name is. For example, if our secret was SURGE_TOKEN=HASHYHASHYHASH, we would first encrypt it in a terminal to stdout:


Then add that to your .travis.yml making sure to place the variable name in a comment so we know which environment var the secret corresponds to:

    - secure: "BIG_OL_GIBBERISH_STRING="


  • TODO(10): Add section on CircleCI secrets integration (#10)

GitHub Integration

We get PR deployment notifications and links via the GitHub deployments API.

โ„น๏ธ Note: GitHub actions provides secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN automagically. If you are using GitHub actions, you can skip this integration as we can just use GITHUB_TOKEN.

Each lander and the base website have dedicated GitHub users that should be used for CI integration with formideploy. If a user for a given lander does not exist, please reach out to Roemer or Lauren to have us create one. You should never use a personal access token for CI integration.

Find the appropriate GitHub user in the 1password Individual Contributor IC vault, most likely named GitHub ({LANDER_NAME}-ci).

  • Base website example: GitHub (formidable-com-ci)
  • Lander examples: GitHub (spectacle-ci), GitHub (urql-ci), ...

Add GITHUB_DEPLOYMENT_TOKEN: Once you've found the relevant entry in 1password, look to the Tokens section for a GITHUB_DEPLOYMENT_TOKEN key and token value and add it to your environment variable secrets in CI. If the information is missing, please reach out to Roemer, who will create one (https://github.com/settings/tokens with permissions for the limited repo > repo_deployment for public repos and the much more expansive repo for private ones).

Staging CI

Deploying to staging requires the following secrets from the Individual Contributor IC vault encrypted into your CI environment.

  • Surge.sh: Look in the notes section.

GitHub Actions: For actions users, here's an example:

  # ...

    # ...
        # IMPORTANT: Switch working directory to docs!
        working-directory: docs
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Use Node.js ${{ matrix.node-version }}
        uses: actions/setup-node@v1
          node-version: 12.x
      - name: AWS CLI version
        run: "aws --version"
      - name: Install Dependencies
        run: yarn --frozen-lockfile --non-interactive
      - name: Quality checks
        run: yarn run check-ci
      - name: Build docs
        run: |
          yarn run clean
          yarn run build

      - name: Deploy docs (staging)
        # Insert name of your default branch here
        if: github.ref != 'refs/heads/<main|master|YOUR_DEFAULT_BRANCH_NAME>'
        run: yarn run deploy:stage
          # GH actions have a merge commit that _isn't_ our actual commits.
          # Manually infer and pass the correct branch and sha.
          FORMIDEPLOY_GIT_SHA: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
          # Pass automagic GITHUB_TOKEN as GITHUB_DEPLOYMENT_TOKEN
          SURGE_LOGIN: ${{ secrets.SURGE_LOGIN }}
          SURGE_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.SURGE_TOKEN }}

Travis: For Travis CI users, we will then need a dedicated deployment job. Here's a good example:

    - stage: documentation
      node_js: '12'
        # Switch to docs location, install and check.
        - cd docs
        - yarn install --frozen-lockfile
        - yarn run check-ci
        # Build docs.
        - yarn run clean
        - yarn run build
        # Deploy to staging.
        - yarn run deploy:stage

formideploy is only involved in the last step (yarn run deploy:stage assuming you wrapped up a command as we recommend). But the overall job structure just runs one staging deployment per PR commit no matter what your build matrix otherwise looks like.


  • TODO(10): Add section on jobs into CircleCI. (urql) (#10)

Production CI

Deploying to production requires the following secrets from the Individual Contributor IC vault encrypted into your CI environment.

  • AWS IAM ({LANDER_NAME}-ci) _or AWS IAM (formidable-com-ci) for the base website and find "Keys" section:

GitHub Actions: For actions users, enhance the previous staging jobs.docs.steps task we created above with an additional production-only step:

  # ...

    # ...

      - name: Deploy docs (production)
        # Insert name of your default branch here
        if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/<main|master|YOUR_DEFAULT_BRANCH_NAME>'
        run: yarn run deploy:prod
          AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}

Travis: For Travis CI users, enhance the previous staging jobs.include task we created above with a deploy entry to take the same build and deploy it to production. Here's an example:

    - stage: documentation
      node_js: '12'
        # ...
        # NOTE: We're going to reuse this build for production.
        - yarn run build
        # ...
        # Deploy master to production
        - provider: script
          script: yarn run deploy:prod
          skip_cleanup: true
            branch: master

Upon merging a PR to master, the production deploy should be triggered!


  • TODO(10): Add section on jobs into CircleCI. (urql) (#10)



Serve your build (specified at build.dir) with:

$ formideploy serve
$ formideploy serve --port 3333

# ... which should be scripted in package.json as ...
$ yarn serve

And then look for at the terminal logs for localhost website to view, e.g.:

[serve] Serving build from "dist/open-source/spectacle" at: http://localhost:4000/open-source/spectacle

Deploy: Staging

โ„น๏ธ Note: This section discusses our custom commands for surge.sh deploys with out-of-the box support. Another alternative is to hook up something with staging/per-PR deploys like Netlify! You would then skip this section and omit deploy --staging / deploy:staging commands in CI and let the service handle it for you in PRs.

Deploy your build (at build.dir) to https://{staging.domain}/{site.basePath)} with:

$ formideploy deploy --staging --dryrun # Skips actual deploy
$ formideploy deploy --staging

# ... which should be scripted in package.json as ...
$ yarn deploy:stage --dryrun
$ yarn deploy:stage

And then look for at the terminal logs for staging website to view, e.g.:

[deploy:staging] Publish success for: https://formidable-com-spectacle-staging-333.surge.sh/open-source/spectacle

If you want to do a manual deploy from localdev, use simulated environment variables to actually trigger the deploy:

  yarn deploy:stage

Note: Localdev deploys will skip GitHub deployment PR integration.

Deploy: Production

Deploy your build (at build.dir) to https://{production.domain}/{site.basePath)} with the following. (Note: We're leaving in the --dryrun flag in these examples so you don't accidentally do a production deploy. If you really mean to do it from localdev, remove --dryrun).

$ formideploy deploy --production --dryrun

# ... which should be scripted in package.json as ...
$ yarn deploy:prod --dryrun

And then look for at the terminal logs for production website to view, e.g.:

[deploy:production] Publish success for: https://formidable.com/open-source/spectacle

If you want to do a manual deploy from localdev, use the appropriate AWS IAM CI user (in this case an example lander):

$ aws-vault exec fmd-{LANDER_NAME}-ci -- \
  yarn deploy:prod --dryrun

Note: Localdev deploys will skip GitHub deployment PR integration.


To aid with rollbacks and disaster recovery, uploading to production additionally creates a tarball of all of the relevant website files that are uploaded to a separate S3 bucket.

Archives are named in the format:


Where the parts are as follows:

  • DATE is the ISO8601 deployment date in GMT
  • DATE_NUM is a special number based on milliseconds since epoch that decreases as the number increases / dates get later. The use of DATE_NUM is to keep the most recent archives at the front of a bucket listing lexicographically, as front-to-back querying is the only efficient operation in S3.
  • GIT_SHA is the short 7-character git hash of the deployed version
  • GIT_STATE is an indication of whether git state is clean (no changes introduced locally) or dirty.

We additionally store metadata on the archive objects, e.g.:

  "x-amz-meta-deploy-date": "2020-06-04T20:30:03.636Z",
  "x-amz-meta-deploy-type": "deploy",
  "x-amz-meta-build-job-id": "343824144",
  "x-amz-meta-build-job-url": "https://travis-ci.com/FormidableLabs/spectacle/jobs/343824144",
  "x-amz-meta-git-user-name": "Travis CI User",
  "x-amz-meta-git-user-email": "travis@example.org",
  "x-amz-meta-git-branch": "master",
  "x-amz-meta-git-commit-date": "2020-06-04T20:25:58.000Z",
  "x-amz-meta-git-sha": "e15c7688118826b533a4720c689607da78396842",
  "x-amz-meta-git-state": "clean",
  "x-amz-meta-git-sha-short": "e15c768"

Rollback Strategy

To perform a rollback of the production site, a good series of actions is follow:

  • Find an archive to rollback to: List and search on archives with formideploy archives
  • View archive metadata: See more information about a potential archive you're interested in with formideploy archives --archive=NAME
  • Locally serve the archive: Check the archive in localdev before rolling back with: formideploy serve --archive=NAME
  • Rollback: Deploy the archive to production with: formideploy deploy --production --archive=NAME

List Archives

Get a list of production archives that can be rolled back to. This action is intended to only be run from the CLI by a user intending to examine completed deployments / evaluate rollback options.

# List 10 most recent archives
$ aws-vault exec fmd-{LANDER_NAME}-ci -- \
  formideploy archives

# List 2 archives starting on/after 2020-06-04T21:27:44.409Z date (UTC)
$ aws-vault exec fmd-{LANDER_NAME}-ci -- \
  formideploy archives --start 2020-06-04T21:27:44.409Z --limit 2

Sample output:

[archives] Found 8 archives:

| Deploy Date              | Type     | Git SHA | Git State | Name                                                              |
| ------------------------ | -------- | ------- | --------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 2020-06-10T13:14:10.365Z | rollback | bf41536 | clean     | archive-8638408205149635-20200610-131410-365-bf41536-clean.json   |
| 2020-06-10T12:53:46.758Z | rollback | bf41536 | clean     | archive-8638408206373242-20200610-125346-758-bf41536-clean.json   |
| 2020-06-05T02:23:26.965Z | deploy   | 3a9319f | clean     | archive-8638408676193035-20200605-022326-965-3a9319f-clean.tar.gz |
| 2020-06-05T02:22:34.842Z | deploy   | 3a9319f | clean     | archive-8638408676245158-20200605-022234-842-3a9319f-clean.tar.gz |
| 2020-06-05T02:21:57.429Z | deploy   | 3a9319f | clean     | archive-8638408676282571-20200605-022157-429-3a9319f-clean.tar.gz |
| 2020-06-04T21:27:44.409Z | deploy   | bf41536 | clean     | archive-8638408693935591-20200604-212744-409-bf41536-clean.tar.gz |
| 2020-06-04T20:30:03.636Z | deploy   | e15c768 | clean     | archive-8638408697396364-20200604-203003-636-e15c768-clean.tar.gz |
| 2020-06-04T19:55:56.390Z | deploy   | a151521 | clean     | archive-8638408699443610-20200604-195556-390-a151521-clean.tar.gz |

Archive Metadata

Once you have identified an archive that you are interested in for potential rollback, you can further inspect it with the --archive flag and the name of the archive (without prefixes):

$ aws-vault exec fmd-{LANDER_NAME}-ci -- \
  formideploy archives --archive archive-8638408693935591-20200604-212744-409-bf41536-clean.tar.gz

Sample output:

[archives] Metadata for archive: tmp-experiment-02.formidable.com/open-source/spectacle/archive-8638408693935591-20200604-212744-409-bf41536-clean.tar.gz
* buildJobId:    343845262
* buildJobUrl:   https://travis-ci.com/FormidableLabs/spectacle/jobs/343845262
* deployDate:    2020-06-04T21:27:44.409Z
* deployType:    deploy
* gitBranch:     master
* gitCommitDate: 2020-06-04T21:24:23.000Z
* gitSha:        bf41536539a88ef2ccc8ad6448d7d3d738b223c1
* gitShaShort:   bf41536
* gitState:      clean
* gitUserEmail:  travis@example.org
* gitUserName:   Travis CI User

Serve an Archive

OK, now we've got an archive that we're thinking of rolling back to! Let's first check it in localdev:

$ aws-vault exec fmd-{LANDER_NAME}-ci -- \
  formideploy serve --archive archive-8638408693935591-20200604-212744-409-bf41536-clean.tar.gz

Sample output:

# ... stuff ...
[serve] Serving build from "/var/folders/6f/t3p48dxs3dv1qzzxnpwtw5ph0000gn/T/formideploy-builds/tmp-experiment-02.formidable.com/open-source/spectacle" at: http://localhost:5000/open-source/spectacle

Conveniently, using serve or deploy --production --dryrun primes the cache by locally downloading the zip, so later actions are much faster.

Deploy an Archive

Once we've confirmed the archive that we want to rollback to, we do a deploy:

$ aws-vault exec fmd-{LANDER_NAME}-ci -- \
  formideploy deploy --production --archive archive-8638408693935591-20200604-212744-409-bf41536-clean.tar.gz

Some complexities worth mentioning:

  • Rolling back to a rollback: In addition to rolling back to a zipped archive (archive-{STUFF}.tar.gz) you can also view and roll back to a "rollback" entry (archive-{STUFF}.json), which under the hood finds the actual zipped archive used and transfers to that for serving and deploying.
  • Deployment information: Our archives only contain files from the build (typically dist). This means things like s, metadata, cache settings, etc. are not contained usefully in the archive. Accordingly, the pristine way to do a rollback is also to checkout the source repo (lander or base website) at the deployed hash found in the archive file name at GIT_SHA and in metadata headers at git-sha. We could in the future do something like pull the original formideploy.config.js file from git directly to get a correct-in-time version of the configuration, etc.

Maintenance Status

Active: Formidable is actively working on this project, and we expect to continue for work for the foreseeable future. Bug reports, feature requests and pull requests are welcome.