Visual regression testing library for React Native that enables developers to introduce visual regression tests to their apps.
- ajliv@Chewy-Inc
- AlexSwansonDenver, CO
- antoine1anthonyWalt Disney Imagineering, Research & Development
- araphiel@FormidableLabs
- autumnbottom
- becca-baileyFormidable
- boygirl
- BUPTlhuanyuBaiDu
- carbonrobotNearform_Commerce
- ceceppa
- clarkgunnNearform
- Cperez2187@FormidableLabs
- danibrutalHaarlem
- drkostasUniversity of Tennessee, Knoxville
- faizplus
- hmorri32@onxmaps
- JDMathew@The-Delta-Studio
- jeremygibersonPrivoro
- jhcloos
- leotm@ConsenSys @MetaMask @LavaMoat
- manosim@travelex
- masiddeeSimpleState Solutions
- michalwolsNew York
- mikedemarais@rainbow-me
- mwritter
- rk1
- ryan-roemer@Nearform
- ryanisinallofus
- ryansrofe@FormidableLabs
- sauliuskerusauskasLondon, UK
- scottianstewartPhoenix, Arizona
- simonwilbertFormidable
- soft-circles
- umxr@formidablelabs
- vandosant@FormidableLabs
- ZimChristineBellingham, WA