
[DEPRECATED] Boilerplate that facilitates using MDX with Spectacle

Spectacle Boilerplate (MDX)

⚠️ Deprecated: This project has been deprecated. Please install spectacle-cli and use spectacle-boilerplate to generate your presentations with ease!

Generate a Spectacle presentation

First, install spectacle-cli:

$ npm install -g spectacle-cli

ℹ️ Note: If you would like to avoid a global install, you can use npx -p spectacle-cli spectacle-boilerplate in the place of the spectacle-boilerplate command below.

Then generate a new boilerplate Spectacle project!

$ spectacle-boilerplate -m mdx

# ... or with options! ...
$ spectacle-boilerplate \
  --mode "mdx" \
  --name "deck-o-awesomeness" \
  --description "My fantastic Spectacle presentation" \

# Check out the full usage
$ spectacle-boilerplate -h

Author and build your project!

See the boilerplate guide for full instructions. As a quick starter:

# Install your dependencies
$ yarn

# Start development server at localhost:8080
$ yarn start

# Create a production build for publishing
$ yarn build