Firm 2022

This repository stores all the firmware used on UC Berkeley's 2022 FSAE vehicle.

System Overview

There are two CAN bus in the control system, which devices are all connected to the bus via RJ45 connectors.

We are using T568A type connection for RJ45.

The pinout of the connector is shown below

CAN Signal RJ45 Wire Index RJ45 Color
CAN1 High 1 Dashed Green
CAN1 Low 2 Green
CAN2 High 3 Dashed Orange
CAN2 Low 4 Blue
12V 5 Dashed Blue
GND 6 Orange
12V 7 Dashed Brown
GND 8 Brown

Note: 12V and GND are only connected from APPS to STEERINGWHEEL, used to supply power to STEERINGWHEEL. Thus, the STEERINGWHEEL must connect to APPS's RIGHT Ethernet connector.

New Pinout

Using T568B type connection for RJ45.

CAN Signal RJ45 Wire Index RJ45 Color
CAN1 High 1 Dashed Orange
CAN1 Low 2 Orange
CAN2 High 3 Dashed Green
12V 4 Blue
12V 5 Dashed Blue
CAN2 Low 6 Green
GND 7 Dashed Brown
GND 8 Brown

Module Overview


Reads accelerator pedal and brake pedal value, check for errorous readings, and send torque command to motor inverter.


Constantly monitors battery cell voltages and temperatures, sends shut down command to the system if anything is wrong.


Logs CAN bus data.




Used to debug CAN bus.

FEB Library API

Run scripts/ after library update to sync the update to every project workspace.

Note that because STM32CubeIDE will NOT initialize peripherals that are not used in the project, so if you see compilation error in the library source code, you can simply delete that source file.


#include "FEB_logger.h"

void FEB_log(char *module, char *level, char *msg)

module is a string indicating the current module.

level is a string indicating critical level. Available options are

  • INFO

msg is the actual string containing message.

if (HAL_CAN_Start(&hcan1) != HAL_OK) {
  while (1)
    FEB_log(MODULE_NAME, "CRITICAL", "CAN1 initialization error");
char str[64];
sprintf(str, "buttons: %d %d\r\n", button_bank_0, button_bank_1);


#include "FEB_CAN.h"

void FEB_CAN_initFilter(CAN_HandleTypeDef *CANx, uint32_t filter_id, uint32_t filter_mask)

CANx is either &hcan1 or &hcan2.

filter_id and filter_mask together defines the filtering rule. With filter_mask == 0 indicates all frames will be received by this node.

HAL_StatusTypeDef FEB_CAN_transmit(CAN_HandleTypeDef *CANx, uint16_t can_id, uint8_t *data, uint16_t size, uint8_t is_blocking);

CANx is either &hcan1 or &hcan2.

can_id is the id of the frame, in range of (0, 0x7FF]

data is a pointer pointing to the buffer containing message that is going to be transmitted.

size is the size of the frame, in range of [0, 8].

is_blocking defines how the transmission will happen. When the bus is busy, if is_blocking is true, the function will keep waiting until the bus is free and transmit the message. If is_blocking is false, the function will drop this transmission attempt.

CAN ID Allocation Table

CAN ID Device Name Data Length Description
0x0C0 APPS 8 APPS to RMS command data. First two bytes are uint16_t torque value, in 10x N·m. 5th index (starting from 0) is RMS enabled control bit.
0x200 Steering Wheel 1 Steering Wheel ready to drive state. 0 indicate ready to drive, non-zero value indicate not ready to drive.
0x201 APPS 8 APPS pedal broadcast. Consists of two floats, [brake_pedal, acc_pedal]