
Library to interface with Multi-Pixel LED devices (Currently only WS2812B)

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

PicoLED library


PicoLED is a library to interface with Multi-Pixel LED devices. It is written for WS2812B LEDs, but has the option to implement other types.

PIO state machines are used for communication, like use in the official example, which limits the overall count of data lines to 8.


  • Download the files from the repository and extract them as e.g. a "PicoLED" folder.
  • Copy or symlink the folder into your Project.
  • Include the libraries in your CMAKE file e.g.: include("PicoLed/PicoLed.cmake")


In the Repository https://github.com/ForsakenNGS/PicoLedExample I supply an example application that will go trough a few test patterns followed by a loop of the example animations.



PicoLed::addLeds<PicoLedTarget>(PIO pioBlock, uint stateMachine, uint dataPin, uint numLeds, DataByte b1, DataByte b2, DataByte b3, DataByte b4);

PicoLed::addLeds<PicoLedTarget>(PIO pioBlock, uint stateMachine, uint dataPin, uint numLeds, DataFormat format);


  • pioBlock The PIO block of the pico that should be used. (Either pio0 or pio1)
  • stateMachine Index of the state machine used for communation. (Each pio block has 4 state machines from 0-3)
  • dataPin The pin that is used for communication. (Any of the GPIO-Pins afaik)
  • numLeds The number of LEDs in the strip attached to the given data pin. (Can be virtualized into part-strips for daisy chained elements)
  • b1-b4 For the manual byte formats. Supply NONE, RED, GREEN, BLUE or WHITE in the order that your LED Strip expects it. (See the enum PioLed::DataByte in the file PicoLedTarget.hpp)
  • format One of the predefined formats. Currently: FORMAT_RGB, FORMAT_GRB or FORMAT_WRGB (See the enum PioLed::DataFormat in the file PicoLedTarget.hpp)


// 0. Initialize LED strip
auto ledStrip = PicoLed::addLeds<PicoLed::WS2812B>(pio0, 0, LED_PIN, LED_LENGTH, PicoLed::FORMAT_GRB);

High-Level fuctions

See also PicoLedController.hpp

uint getNumLeds();
uint8_t getBrightness();
void setBrightness(uint8_t brightness);
DrawMode getDrawMode();
void setDrawMode(DrawMode mode);
Color getPixelColor(uint index);
void setPixelColor(uint index, Color color);
void setPixelColor(uint index, Color color, DrawMode mode);
void show();
void clear();
void clear(Color color);
void fill(Color color);
void fill(Color color, uint first);
void fill(Color color, uint first, uint count);
void fillGradient(Color colorStart, Color colorEnd);
void fillGradient(Color colorStart, Color colorEnd, uint first);
void fillGradient(Color colorStart, Color colorEnd, uint first, uint count);
void fillRainbow(uint8_t initialHue, uint8_t deltaHue);
void fillRainbow(uint8_t initialHue, uint8_t deltaHue, uint first);
void fillRainbow(uint8_t initialHue, uint8_t deltaHue, uint first, uint count);
void fade(Color color, double factor);
void fade(Color color, uint first, double factor);
void fade(Color color, uint first, uint count, double factor);
void fadeLine(Color color, double first, double factor);
void fadeLine(Color color, double first, double count, double factor);
void fadePixel(uint index, Color color, double factor);
void fadeValue(Color color, uint8_t value);
void fadeValue(Color color, uint first, uint8_t value);
void fadeValue(Color color, uint first, uint count, uint8_t value);
void fadePixelValue(uint index, Color color, uint8_t value);
PicoLedController slice(uint start, uint end);

getNumLeds Get the number of leds as supplied in the initialisation.

getBrightness Get the current overall brightness. By default 255 / maximum brightness.

setBrightness Change the overall brightness. Anything between 0 and 255. This will reduce the resolution of the colors!

getDrawMode The current draw mode used for high-level draw functions. (One of MODE_SET, MODE_ADD or MODE_SUB, By default MODE_SET)

setDrawMode Change the draw mode used for high-level draw functions. (One of MODE_SET, MODE_ADD or MODE_SUB, By default MODE_SET)

getPixelColor Gets the current color of the pixel at the given index.

setPixelColor Changes the pixel index to the given color.

show Transmit the changes to the LED controller(s) at the data pin. Must be called for the pixel changes to have any effect.

clear Reset all pixels to color. (Black/off if no color is given)

fill Set the color of count pixels starting at the first index to the given color.

fillGradient Set the color of count pixels starting at the first index to a gradient from colorStart to colorEnd.

fillRainbow Set the color of count pixels starting at the first index to a color gradient start at the initialHue changing it by deltaHue per pixel.

fade Fade the color of count pixels starting at the first index to the given color by the given factor. (1.0 replaces the color completely, 0.0 does nothing)

fadeLine Fade the color of count pixels starting at the first index to the given color by the given factor. Will interpolate pixels at the borders of the given line, allowing for smoother sub-pixel movements.

fadePixel Fade the color of the index pixel to the given color by the given factor.

fadeValue Fade the color of count pixels starting at the first index to the given color by the up to the absolute value supplied. (255 will change it all the way 0 not at all for 50% grey 128 will change it all the way)

fadePixelValue Fade the color of count pixels starting at the first index to the given color by the up to the absolute value supplied. (255 will change it all the way 0 not at all for 50% grey 128 will change it all the way)

slice Returns a virtual LED strip from the start to the end pixel to control those seperately. (show will still transmit the whole strip)

Low-Level functions

See also PicoLedTarget.hpp

virtual uint getNumLeds();
virtual uint8_t getBrightness();
virtual void setBrightness(uint8_t brightness);
virtual uint32_t getData(uint index);
virtual void setData(uint index, uint32_t value);
virtual void show();
Color getPixelColor(uint index);
void setPixelColor(uint index, Color color);
void fill(Color color, uint first, uint count);

getNumLeds Get the number of leds as supplied in the initialisation.

getBrightness Get the current overall brightness. By default 255 / maximum brightness.

setBrightness Change the overall brightness. Anything between 0 and 255. This will reduce the resolution of the colors!

getData Read the raw pixel data as it will be sent to the LED controller. (Format depends on the format supplied on the initialisation)

setData Set the raw pixel data for the pixel at index. (Format depends on the format supplied on the initialisation)

show Transmit the changes to the LED controller(s) at the data pin. Must be called for the pixel changes to have any effect.

getPixelColor Gets the current color of the pixel at the given index.

setPixelColor Changes the pixel index to the given color.

fill Changes count pixels starting at the first index to the given color.


The library includes the PicoLedEffect class that provides a base for implementing time-based effects. It includes a few example implementations: Marquee, Particles, Stars Comet, Bounce