
My QK65 repo, not in main QMK upstream though.

Primary LanguageC

QMK Firmware for QK65 R2 Wired White PCB

R2 wired white PCB is not officially supported by QMK.

Owlab(QK) actually has a working repo where QK65 R2 was added, with some minor fixes I can actually get a working bin for the R2 hotswap PCB on latest QMK repo dev branch.

QMK toolbox have no driver for that bootloader bacause it is not merged to upstream yet, therefore you will probably need zadig to install the driver for windows. QK suggested the WinUSB drive while after I flashed it with QMK it seems I can just use libusb-win32 for it instead. For Linux, add this line to udev rules(e.g. /etc/udev/rules.d/60-dfuse-rules or /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/60-dfuse-rules).

ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1688", ATTRS{idProduct}=="2200", TAG+="uaccess"

A bat script for using purely dfu-util is included for flashing just in case.

R2 Wired White PCB Flash Guide

  1. Hold B and plug the board in
  2. Use QMK CLI to flash the board, or compile the firmware then use included bat to flash compiled QMK firmware. Make sure bat and firmware are in the same folder with dfu-util. Change the firmware name in the bat script accordingly.


qmk compile -kb qwertykeys/qk65/r2 -km shigure -j 32

qmk flash -kb qwertykeys/qk65/r2 -km shigure -j 32