This is a plugin, that count your inserted symbols (in insert mode) and collect statistics by day. Its my first plugin for neovim and I enjoy to share it
Install plugin by your favorite plugin manager (by example - Lazy)
{ 'forsigg/daily-symbols-count.nvim' },
local daily_symbols = require('daily-symbols-count')
-- Put path to future stats file
-- by default if not set - ~/.local/share/nvim/chars_count.json
stat_file_path = "/path/to/statfile",
-- Put date format for stats
-- by default if not set - %d/%m/%Y (ex. 01/01/2024)
date_format = "%Y %d %m",
-- Put file format for counting inserted symbols
-- by default if not set - * (wildcard, all file formats)
file_format = "*.lua"
Plugin add two commands:
- printing daily inserted symbols
- print whole stat file