
A behind-the-view perspective of a shooter's dream: Blast enemies against a cinematic backdrop. Kill the computer-controlled fighters before they take over the world! Unlike first-generation interactive movies with action, Novastorm has hooks into the environment; if you move into the path of a pre-rendered obstacle and it "hits" you, you take damage, etc.


A behind-the-view perspective of a shooter's dream: Blast enemies against a cinematic backdrop. Kill the computer-controlled fighters before they take over the world! Unlike first-generation interactive movies with action, Novastorm has hooks into the environment; if you move into the path of a pre-rendered obstacle and it "hits" you, you take damage, etc.

That was a quick description of the game that we use as a prototype. Of course, we don't aim at an exact replica of the game. That would be iligal and stupid.

First things first, an animator needed for the cinebatic backdrop which is the backbone of the game.