
FortKnoxster ERC20 token and crowdsale related smart contracts.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

FortKnoxster Token

FortKnoxster ERC20 FKX token and crowdsale related smart contracts.


FKX is an ERC20-compliant token built using the robust and audited OpenZeppelin smart contracts framework.


  1. Install truffle globally with npm install -g truffle
  2. Install testrpc globally with npm install -g ethereumjs-testrpc
  3. Install local packages with npm install
  4. Run testrpc in separate terminal via the script ./scripts/testrpc.sh which will execute testrpc -u 0 -l 8000000 with predefined wallets.
  5. Alternatively run truffle's own built-in blockchain with truffle develop
  6. Run tests with truffle test --network rpc