What is this?
This is a mini util for .ini
My English is poor, but I still try to edit comments in English. I hope you can understand.
Most come from google translation.
and hope a star, Thanks~ ♪(´▽`)
github: https://github.com/ForteScarlet/mini-ini
gitee : https://gitee.com/ForteScarlet/mini-ini
How to use?
First, Click the star button in the upper right corner to make some hidden content take effect. :P
Create project
Create project with:
compile group: 'love.forte', name: 'mini-ini', version: '${version}'
Read ini
You can see part of the code that appears below from Demo1.
See test.ini
// Get input stream
InputStream iniInput = Demo1.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("test.ini");
// Read by default buffered reader
IniReader ir = new BufferedIniReader();
Ini ini = ir.read(iniInput);
// show
// to properties and show
ini.toProperties().forEach((k, v) -> {
System.out.println(k + "=" + v);
Create/Write ini
You can see part of the code that appears below from Demo2.
// Create an IniBuilder and
IniBuilder b = new IniBuilder()
.plusComment("this is a test ini")
.plusSection("sec1", "this is a section")
.plusProperty("key1", "value")
.plusProperty("key2", "value")
.plusProperty("key3", "value")
.plusProperty("key4", "value")
.plusProperty("key5", "value")
.plusProperty("key6", "value")
.plusProperty("key1", "value")
.plusProperty("key2", "value")
.plusProperty("key3", "value")
.plusProperty("key4", "value")
.plusProperty("key5", "value")
.plusProperty("key6", "value")
// Build ini
final Ini ini = b.build();
// show
// Write to file
ini.write(Paths.get("F:\\test3.ini"), true);
implements the interfacejava.io.Serializable
, which can be serialized. (1.1.0)Ini
, which can be serialized and used as a list.IniProperty
implements the interfaceMap.Entry<String, String>
implements the interfaceList<IniProperty>
, which can be used as a list.
You can customize (implement the interface) to achieve some additional parsing methods.
I provide some easy-to-implement (probably) interfaces to support user customization. If you want, you can also open source your additional implementations. If you open source, you can tell me, I will show the address in the README.
some interface or abstract class:
Ini elements like IniElement
or IniComment
(Default implementation is IniCommentImpl
(Default implementation is IniPropertyImpl
(Default implementation is IniSectionImpl
Ini reader like IniReadable
or Refer to the default implementation BufferedIniReader
Ini formatter like IniFormatter
You can refer to Demo3.
This project has no additional dependencies, so you should be able to use it directly by importing the jar package.
By default, when parsing an ini file, the content of the ini file is divided into several parts:
# comment
[section1] # comment
# comment
[section2] # comment
- By default, the rules are:
- section is wrapped by [], and there can be comments after the end.
- comment starts with
and can be at the beginning of a line or the end of a section. - Property is a key-value pair under section, and cannot be followed by a comment.
I found a bug
Oh! nice! You can tell me through the issue, or submit the bug through branch submission. try to use simple English or Chinese. Thanks.
if you like this, Give me a star or a little pocket money~ if you don't, May consider helping me improve the code
Reward me:
afdian: https://afdian.net/@ForteScarlet
My level is limited, please understand if there are any problems.
license: Apache License 2.0