
A machine learning project that classifies toyota vehicle models.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Toyota Model Recognition Project

A machine learning project that classifies toyota vehicle models. A mini project to accept a jpeg image of a toyota vehicle, and output the name of the Toyota model.

To Run the Server:

Fork and clone the repository.

$ git clone git-url

Navigate to the project directory

$ cd path_to_directory

Create a virtual environment

$ python -m venv name_of_env

Activate virtual environment

$ name_of_env\Scripts\activate.bat

Install the requirements:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Start the local flask server

$ python Toyota-Models-Classification/api/app

To make predictions:

create a python file and in it add the following lines of code

import requests

resp = requests.post(
        "file": open('Image_Path', 'rb')


Run the python file to see the results in the form:

  class_id: ...,
  class_name: ...,

where class_name is the name of the model and class_id is how the predictor identifies it.


This API was not deployed to heroku because the slug size exceeds the limit of my account. I will explore torchscript as an alternative but till then, I hope you find this useful.