This repository contains python challenges and task from beginner level to advance.
Welcome, this project aim is to provide you with micro and macro task while you learn new concepts in python. Is one thing to keep learning and is another thing to practice what you're learning. During my learning process, one of the question I do ask myself is "were and how can I practice this concept I just learnt now", this questions comes always when you're learning basics in programming, like VARIABLES, LOOPS, CONDITIONS, DATA TYPES etc. the tasks provided here will help you gain more understanding of concepts you learn, from beginners steps to advance.
Phase 1 (Basics)
- Python Basic 1(target >>1 week)
- More Coming
Phase 2 (Data Structures and Algorithms)
- Coming soon
Phase 3 (Objects)
- Coming soon
To set up this project, first fork this repository to your own account
Locate fork button and click on it.
Then go to your desktop and create a folder, name it <python_tasks>.
Open the folder <python_tasks>, right click and select the option gitbash here (ensure you have git installed).
To make the folder a git folder, run the following command
$ git init
Set up your origin and upstream remotes by running the following commands
$ git remote add origin{YOUR-GITHUB-USERNAME}/python-challenges.git
$ git remote add upstream
Pull the code to your project directory and set it up by running the following command
$ git fetch upstream
$ git checkout master
Visit the submission repository
To make sure you have the latest task and to update your repository with new phase/week task always run this command at least every week.
$ git fetch upstream