
TwitPaint is an absurdly simplistic "paint" web app that pops out emoji grids, like this:


These are designed for posting to Twitter:

  • The grid is just under the maximum post size.
  • The width/height is optimized for the narrow, portrait nature of most Twitter UIs.
  • The color palette is meant to look similar to what Twitter enforces; other sets of emoji have varying shades of color for their large blocks, so posting these to, say, Mastodon or Facebook will look slightly different.

This is a work in progress. It does not currently save, load, or do anything except scribble pixels.

Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Shift-clicking on the canvas selects the color of the pixel under the cursor as the current pen color.

  • Shift-clicking on the palette clears the canvas in taht color.

  • There is no undo. (Yet.)