
Binary tools: assembler, disassembler, linker, library manager, emulator

Primary LanguageC++

This repository contains the binary tools for the ForwardCom instruction set: assembler, disassembler, linker, library manager, emulator

This can be compiled and run on almost any little-endian platform. A compiled exe file for windows is included. For Linux and other platforms: use make -f forw.make to compile.

See the manual for instructions.

Files included: Description
forwardcom_sourcecode_documentation.odt Documentation of the source code
*.cpp C++ source code
*.h C++ header files
forw.exe Windows executable, 64-bit
forw.make Makefile for Gnu or Clang C++ compiler
instruction_list.csv List of instructions as comma separated file
forw.vcxproj forw.sln forw.vcxproj.filters Project files for MS Visual Studio