
Scientific computing Assignment

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Computational Physics Project: Solving the Schrödinger Equation using Finite Difference Method


This project focuses on using Python programming and the finite difference method to solve the time-independent Schrödinger equation for a particle in a one-dimensional potential well. By investigating the effects of well width and potential barrier height on the particle's energy eigenvalues and wavefunctions, this study uncovers important insights into particle behavior within such systems.

Key Skills and Tools Utilized

Python Programming:

  • Python serves as the primary language for implementing the numerical algorithms and conducting simulations.
  • Leveraged Python's rich ecosystem of libraries for scientific computing, visualization, and data analysis.

Numerical Methods:

  • Employed the finite difference method to discretize the Schrödinger equation, allowing for its numerical solution.
  • Gained proficiency in implementing numerical algorithms to solve complex physical problems.

Libraries and Stacks:

  • NumPy: Used for efficient numerical computations, especially for handling arrays and linear algebra operations.
  • SciPy: Leveraged for additional mathematical functions and tools for numerical integration and optimization.
  • Matplotlib: Utilized for creating visualizations to analyze simulation results and understand particle behavior.
  • Pandas: Employed for data manipulation and analysis, facilitating comparison with experimental data.

Insights and Implications

The results obtained from this study underscore the power of computational physics in tackling complex problems in quantum mechanics. By exploring the relationship between system parameters and particle behavior, valuable insights have been gained that can guide future research in quantum mechanics and related fields.

Learning Journey and Future Applications

This project has provided valuable learning experiences and skill development:

  • Programming Skills: Enhanced proficiency in Python programming, particularly in implementing numerical algorithms.
  • Numerical Simulation: Gained experience in creating and validating numerical simulations, essential for theoretical research and practical applications.
  • Critical Thinking: Developed critical thinking and problem-solving skills through the process of analyzing simulation results and drawing conclusions.
  • Interdisciplinary Applications: Recognized the applicability of computational physics skills across various domains, including physics, engineering, finance, and machine learning.

Moving forward, the acquired knowledge and skills will be applied in diverse fields, contributing to the advancement of science and technology. Continued exploration of computational physics promises further growth in understanding complex phenomena and solving real-world problems.