
Full MERN Stack portfolio website. Shows different projects with code-flows, has a blog stored in database and contact form using nodemailer

Primary LanguageJavaScript


React version of my portfolio. I thought since I want to be a React developer my profile should reflect that.


Built using my MERN App template I made for myself. Allows for people to view my page to email me directly from the site. Also a place where I can post bullitens and blogs.


Back End

  • Concurrently - Allows package JSON scripts to candle multiple commands
  • Nodemon - For when you are in development any save will refresh server to give live update of changes
  • Axios - For communicating with front end
  • Express - For helping build a server and serving assests
  • Mongoose - Helps with orm for mongodb
  • Prop-types - Helps react with hanldeing props
  • React - To let app work in a react environment
  • If-env - Has app check for env
  • Dotenv - Allows .env files to be used in app.
  • Moment - For easy formatting of dates for timestamps
  • Nodemailer - For sending email notifications

Front End

  • Axios - For communicating with back end routes
  • React - To let app work in a react environment
  • React-bootstrap-sweetalert - For easy to use models
  • React-dom - Needed for react to work with DOM
  • React-router-dom - Needed for using a react component router
  • React-scripts - Needed for react to work
  • Reactstrap - Special components made just for react

See the working delpoyed version here: kylefoster-dev.com