
Python library for the HUD.ai API

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

HUD.ai Python Client

Build Status PyPI PyPI License

The HUD.ai Python Client provides an easy to use wrapper to interact with the HUD.ai API in python applications.

You must first acquire a HUD.ai secret key before you can use this module.


pip install hudai


from hudai import Client as HudAiClient

hud_ai = HudAiClient(




Parameter Usage Example
client_id* Registered Client ID '46ef9d9b-89a9-4fd2-84cf-af6de31f2618'
client_secret Registered Client Secret '59170c3e-e2c9-4244-92d8-c3595d4af325'
base_url Specify an alternate server to request resources from 'https://stage.api.hud.ai/v1'
auth_url Specify an alternate server to request auth tokens from 'https://stage.accounts.hud.ai'
redirect_uri Path to redirect auth requests to (required for #get_authorize_uri) 'https://app.example.com/oauth/callbacks/hud-ai'

Client Auth Flow

In order to access HUD.ai data on a user's behalf, they must authorize you to do so. This requires 3 steps.

First, send them to the authorization URL

from flask import Flask, redirect, url_for
from hudai import Client as HudAiClient

app = Flask(__name__)

hud_ai = HudAiClient(

def hud_ai_authorization():
    return redirect(hud_ai.get_authorize_uri(), code=302)

Now the user will be presented with a dialog screen where they can accept or deny your request. The auth server will redirect back to your app in either case.

Finally, parse the response and get the code and attach it to the client. The code will be exchanged before the next request is made.

def hud_ai_callback():
    code = request.args.get('code')


NOTE: This method requires redirect_uri

Returns a URL to direct users to to authorize your application to act on their behalf. You will need to handle the redirect that includes the code


Store the code for future exchange for an auth token


Attempts to ensure that the client has valid auth tokens.

  • Refreshes known expired tokens
  • Exchanges auth codes for access tokens
  • Exchanges client ID/secret for app access tokens



  • * and bolded Type indicates required param
  • Params indicated with ? are optional keyword params
  • Date types are automatically converted to/from standard DateTime objects
  • All list resources are paginated to 50/request, with page being 0-indexed (e.g. page=3 will get you the fourth page)
Entity Method Base
Article client.articles
ArticleHighlights client.article_highlights
ArticleKeyTerm client.article_key_terms
ArticleTag client.article_tags
ArticleGeography client.article_geographies
Company client.companies
CompanyEvent client.company_events
CompanyIndustry client.company_industries
CompanyKeyTerm client.company_key_terms
Domain client.domains
Industry client.industries
KeyTerm client.key_terms
Person client.people
PersonKeyTerm client.person_key_terms
PersonQuote client.person_quotes
SystemEvent client.system_events
SystemTask client.system_tasks
TextCorpus client.text_corpora
User client.users
UserCompany client.user_companies
UserContact client.user_contacts
UserDigestSubscription client.user_digest_subscriptions
UserKeyTerm client.user_key_terms


Deploys occur automatically via Travis-CI on tagged commits that build successfully. Should you need to manually build the project, follow these steps:

# Install twine to prevent your password from being set in plaintext
pip install twine
# Build the package
python setup.py sdist
# Upload via twine
twine upload dist/hudai-NEW_VERSION_HERE.tar.gz