
Test Task for StarNavi company

Primary LanguageVueThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Starnavi test task

That is a social network prototype.
This app consists of two parts: backend using DRF and frontend using Vue-cli.
All apps are in dev stage, so probably I will attach dev settings and secret keys to the repository, so U can reproduce the project.


I write backend without TDD, 'cause I want finish fast.
Probably I will add some tests, and swager documentation.


The app developed using these libraries.

Package Version Description
Django 3.0.5 Django framework
DjangoRestFramework 3.11.0 Django REST Framework
django-cors-headers 3.2.1 Cross-Origin Resource Sharing support
django-rest-swagger 2.2.0 Requests docs not sure I'll use it
djangorestframework-simplejwt 4.4.0 JSON Web Token authentication support
djoser 2.0.3 Django REST Framework authentication views
faker 4.0.2 Dummy data generator
pyyaml 5.3.1 YAML parser
psycopg2 2.8.4 PostgreSQL adapter
pillow 7.1.1 Image processing support
clearbit 0.1.7 Clerbit API
pyhunter 1.7 EmailHunter API
requests 2.23.0 Basic requests


The backend root contains files dev_setting.yml and prod_settings.yml.
This files divided on two sections: project and generator.
If some non-Required settings won't be provided they will be set by default.
utils.py have functions to parse settings from Yaml to python vars.


This section contains settings that are required for properly work

Parameter Type Category Description Required
django_secret_key str Main Settings Django secret key ✔️
clearbit_key str API Settings Clearbit API Key ✔️
emailhunter_key str API Settings EmailHunter API Key ✔️
adorable_avatar bool API Settings Generate adorable avatar by default if user avatar is empty ✔️


This sections contains settings for generator bot.

Note: Exclamation mark in Required field means that setting is required if previous bool field is True

Parameter Type Default Category Description Required
number_of_users int Main Settings Number of users that will be generated ✔️
max_posts_per_user int Main Settings Maximum number of posts each user's can create ✔️
max_likes_per_user int Main Settings Maximum number of posts each user can like ✔️
api_sleep float 0.07 Main settings Time in seconds that generator will wait before next request to API resource ✔️
start_datetime date %Y-%m-%d now - 2 month Post Settings Start of datetime range in which users and posts will be created
end_datetime date %Y-%m-%d now Post Settings End of datetime range in which users and posts will be created
max_post_length int 1024 Post Settings Maximum length of post
image_generation bool true Post/Image Settings Insert random images in posts, or not
images_percent float 0.333 Post/Image Settings Approximate percentage of posts that will be generated with pictures
unsplash_key str Post/Image Settings Unsplash API access key to choose random pictures

Generator bot

This is class using to fill db with fake users and posts. To use it you should start django shell, and after run next commands:

from generator.generator import Generator

g = Generator()
# Or you can provide specific settings
g = Generator(number_of_users=10, max_post_length=2048)


This generator creates number_of_users users, from 0 to max_posts_per_user posts for every user, and make them like from 0 to max_likes_per_user posts.
Max user.date_joined for user is start_datetime.
Min is end_date.
The post's date are specific for every user. It starts with user.date_joined and ends with end_date.
If image_generation is True the posts will include random pics.

PAY ATTENTION that usplash basic api allows generating only 50 images/hour.
If you run generator with 1000 posts it's ok, because there is condition to generate max 50 images.
But if U'll run generator again, U'll probably get unhandled exception I really don't know what U'll get. I've never generating so many images. 😅
According to this when you are using generator for 2'nd time in an hour do this on class creation

g = Generator(image_generation=False)

or provide your api key in settings


This part is made using Vue-cli.
It's to raw and to prototypic, but it's working somehow 😁


Package Version Description
axios 0.19.2 Used for ajax requests
querystring 0.2.0 Used to stringify objects
vue-cookies 1.7.0 Added ability to work with cookies
vue-moment 4.1.0 Format date_time
vue-router 3.1.6 Page routing


That vue app has such pages as:

  • Login
  • Register
  • Home
  • User


Loging in user requesting /auth/jwt/create/


Creating user requsting /auth/users/ and /api/profile/<id>/
Also validates email and getting additional info about user requesting /auth/validate/


Home page.
Shows all posts requesting /api/posts/all/
Allowing to like posts requesting /api/like/<id>


Show info about user and all user posts.
Requesting /api/users/<id>/ and /api/posts/<username>/
Allowing owner to edit profile, requesting /api/profile/<id>/
Allowing owner to delete posts requesting /api/posts/<id>/


To launch app copy this repository and do next.

Backend launching

  • Activate virtualenv if you want to
  • cd PROJECT_ROOT/star_navi_backend
  • Provide missing settings in prod_settings.yml or dev_settings.yml
  • Install requirements and makemigrations

Note: psycopg2 and Pillow can be not installed. Update your pip to resolve the problem
Basicly it helps me 😕

  • Fill DB with dummy data using Generation bot
  • Run server exactly on

Sowwy 4 that, I haven't provide url-address settings in vue

Frontend launching

  • Install vue-cli
  • cd PROJECT_ROOT/star_navi_frontend
  • Install requirements
  • Run: npm run serve

Note: if you will have eslint errors you need to have it globally to fix them run eslint --fix src/**