Bitcoin SV | Next.js | API SPV Channels | Ethereum Streamed | CodeSandBox

What is Bitcoin SV?

Bitcoin SV (Satoshi Vision) is the original Bitcoin. It restores the original Bitcoin protocol, will keep it stable, and allow it to massively scale. Bitcoin SV will maintain the vision set out by Satoshi Nakamoto’s white paper in 2008. This Github repository provides open-source software to enable use of Bitcoin SV.


Bitcoin SV is released under the terms of the Open BSV license. See LICENSE for more information.


Security is core to our values, and we value the input of security researchers acting in good faith to help us maintain high standards of security and privacy for our users and the Bitcoin SV blockchain.

To encourage ethical and responsible research into security vulnerabilities, the Bitcoin SV team, with support from Coingeek Mining, has instituted a Responsible Disclosure Policy.

Development Process

This Github repository contains the source code of releases.

At this early stage in Bitcoin SV's development, we are not accepting contributions to the project. We expect this to change in the future.

Contacting the Bitcoin SV Team

If you want to report a non-confidential issue with Bitcoin SV, please use the GitHub issue system.

If you want to report a security vulnerability, please review the Responsible Disclosure Policy and send e-mail to

For any other questions or issues, please send e-mail to

SPV Channels CE

Readme version 1.1.1.

Contents Version
SPV Channels Community Edition 1.1.0

This repository contains SPV Channels CE, which is an implementation of the BRFC specification for SPV channels. In addition to a server side implementation, it also contains the JavaScript client libraries for interacting with the server. See Client libraries readme for more details about the client side libraries.

SPV Channels provides a mechanism via which counterparties can communicate in a secure manner even in circumstances where one of the parties is temporarily offline.

Swagger UI

The REST API can be reviewed in Swagger UI.

Deploying SPV Channels CE API Server as docker containers on Linux

Pre Requirements:

A SSL server certificate is required for installation. Obtain the certificate from your IT support team. There are are also services that issue free SSL certificates such as The certificate must be issued for the host with a fully qualified domain name. To use the server side certificate, you need to export it (including the corresponding private key) in PFX file format (*.pfx).

API Clients must trust the Certification Authority (CA) that issued the server side SSL certificate.

Initial setup

The distribution is shared and run using Docker.

  1. Open the terminal.

  2. Create a directory where the spvchannels docker images, config and database will be stored (e.g. spvchannels) and navigate to it:

    mkdir spvchannels
    cd spvchannels
  3. Download the distribution of SPV Channels Server into the directory created in the previous step and extract the contents.

  4. Check that the following files are present:

    • docker-compose.yml
    • .env
  5. Create a config folder and copy the SSL server certificate file (<certificate_file_name>.pfx) into it. This server certificate is required to setup TLS (SSL).

  6. Before running the SPV Channels API Server containers (spvchannels-db and spvchannels), replace some values in the .env file.

Parameter Description
CERTIFICATEFILENAME File name of the SSL server certificate (e.g. <certificate_file_name.pfx>) copied in step 5.
CERTIFICATESPASSWORD Password of the *.pfx file copied in step 5.

Note: The remaining setting are explaned in the section Settings.

Running application

  1. After the .env is set up, launch the spvchannels-db and spvchannels containers using the command:

    docker-compose up –d

The docker images as specified by the docker-compose.yml file, are automatically pulled from Docker Hub.

  1. Verify that all the SPV Channels Server containers are running using:

    docker ps

    The list should include bitcoinsv/spvchannels-db and bitcoinsv/spvchannels.

  2. If everything is running you can continue to section Account manager to create an account.

Note: If you were provided with an account id and its credentials then you can skip Setting up an account and proceed to REST interface

Setting up an account

To be able to call SPV Channels Server API, an account must be added into the database using the following command:

docker exec spvchannels ./SPVChannels.API.Rest -createaccount [accountname] [username] [password]

Parameter description:

Parameter Description
[accountname] name of the account, any whitespaces in accountname must be replaced with '_'
[username] username of the account
[password] password of the username

Note: This command can also be used to add new users to an existing account (e.g. running docker exec spvchannels ./SPVChannels.API.Rest -createaccount Accountname User1 OtherP@ssword will return the account-id of Accountname).

Setting up mobile push notifications

To enable mobile push notifications from SPV Channels, a Firebase service account key is required. Copy the *.json file containing the Firebase service account key into the config folder and set FIREBASECREDENTIALSFILENAME in the .env file.

To get a Firebase service account *.json file, log in to your Firebase console and from Project Setting -> Service account -> Click on generate new private key. This will generate a *.json file with your Firebase service account key.

REST interface

The reference implementation exposes different REST APIs:

  • an API for managing channels
  • an API for managing messages

This interfaces can be accessed on https://<servername>:<port>/api/v1. A Swagger page with the interface description can be accessed at https://<servername>:<port>/swagger/index.html

Note: <servername> should be replaced with the name of the server where docker is running. <port> is set to 5010 by default in the .env file.


Parameter Data type (allowed value) Description
NPGSQLLOGMANAGER <bool> (`True False`)
HTTPSPORT <number> Port number on which SPV Channels API is running. By default it's set to 5010.
CERTIFICATEFILENAME <text> File name of the SSL server certificate (e.g. <certificate_file_name.pfx>)
CERTIFICATESPASSWORD <text> Password of the *.pfx file
NOTIFICATIONTEXTNEWMESSAGE <text> Notification text upon arrival of a new message. By default it's set to New message arrived.
MAXMESSAGECONTENTLENGTH <number> Maximum size of any single message in bytes. By default it's set to its maximum size 65536.
CHUNKEDBUFFERSIZE <number> If a message is sent in chunks, this sets the size of a chunk. By default it's set to 1024.
TOKENSIZE <number> Length of bearer token. By default it's set to 64.
CACHESIZE <number> Number of records in memorycache. By default it's set to 1048576.
CACHESLIDINGEXPIRATIONTIME <number> Time in which a record is removed from memorycache if it is not accessed. By default it's set to 60 seconds.
CACHEABSOLUTEEXPIRATIONTIME <number> Time in which a record is removed from memorycache. By default it's set to 600 secunds.
FIREBASECREDENTIALSFILENAME <text> Fully qualified file name of the Firebase service account key. This setting is only required if you wish to enable mobile push notifications. See Setting up mobile push notifications

Terminating application

  1. Open the terminal and navigate to spvchannels folder:

    cd spvchannels
  2. To shutdown SPV Channels Server containers use the following command:

    docker-compose down

This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.

Getting Started

First, run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying pages/index.js. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.

API routes can be accessed on http://localhost:3000/api/hello. This endpoint can be edited in pages/api/hello.js.

The pages/api directory is mapped to /api/*. Files in this directory are treated as API routes instead of React pages.

Learn More

To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:

You can check out the Next.js GitHub repository - your feedback and contributions are welcome!

Deploy on Codesandbox

The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the codesandbox from the creators of Next.js.

Check out our Next.js deployment documentation for more details.

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You can talk to us on Gitter and Matrix, tweet at us on Twitter or create a new topic in the Solidity forum. Questions, feedback, and suggestions are welcome!

Solidity is a statically typed, contract-oriented, high-level language for implementing smart contracts on the Ethereum platform.

For a good overview and starting point, please check out the official Solidity Language Portal.

Table of Contents


Solidity is a statically-typed curly-braces programming language designed for developing smart contracts that run on the Ethereum Virtual Machine. Smart contracts are programs that are executed inside a peer-to-peer network where nobody has special authority over the execution, and thus they allow to implement tokens of value, ownership, voting, and other kinds of logic.

When deploying contracts, you should use the latest released version of Solidity. This is because breaking changes, as well as new features and bug fixes are introduced regularly. We currently use a 0.x version number to indicate this fast pace of change.

Build and Install

Instructions about how to build and install the Solidity compiler can be found in the Solidity documentation.


A "Hello World" program in Solidity is of even less use than in other languages, but still:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.6.0 <0.9.0;

contract HelloWorld {
    function helloWorld() external pure returns (string memory) {
        return "Hello, World!";

To get started with Solidity, you can use Remix, which is a browser-based IDE. Here are some example contracts:

  1. Voting
  2. Blind Auction
  3. Safe remote purchase
  4. Micropayment Channel


The Solidity documentation is hosted at Read the docs.


Solidity is still under development. Contributions are always welcome! Please follow the Developers Guide if you want to help.

You can find our current feature and bug priorities for forthcoming releases in the projects section.



Solidity is licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0.

Some third-party code has its own licensing terms.


The security policy may be found here. <<<<<<< Fleeeth-Market-Platform master >>>>>>>