
Interface to send ActiveRecord scheduled texting (SMS) jobs from Ruby on Rails with user signup interface

Primary LanguageRuby


BUGS: June 26th 2015

- In progress -

*** CRITICAL: Write logic to prevent users from making two DJ instances of a task. One instance of Delayed Job per Task ONLY. (One task limit for limited alpha testing)

*** CRITICAL: After a task is “used”, editing the job will throw an error that the delayed_job_id cannot be found. This prevents users from editing and saving a task if this is a feature to be implimented.

- Queued -

** CRITICAL: Finish the template page for SMS action for TasksController

** CRITICAL: Impliment feature to delete tasks (subsequently, their delayed jobs )

** CRITICAL: Fix flash messages appearing on landing page. (Only appear when user signed in and out)

** CRITICAL: Make sure button to trigger schedule is manual and TRIGGERED by SMS button in edit Tasks page. The button will POST and execute scheduled_sending_text model method. Inside this method is the actual SMS body (message) and array of phones from the Task’s assigned recipients.

** CRITICAL: If Delayed_jobs_id has ALREADY been assigned to a task, do NOT include START button. Put an IF statement, if delayed_job_id, exists, put CANCEL button, ELSE put BEGIN TIMER (to execute scheduling) to give it a brand new delayed jobs ID.

* CRITICAL: MAKING SURE users only can access their own pages***

* PRIORITY: After adding RECIPIENTS to task, DOES NOT REDIRECT back users view page

FEATURES: June 26th 2015

- In progress -

* MILESTONE: Adding ability text on a delayed schedule. (hours per days, 24 hour intervals)

- Queued -

*** MILESTONE: Once basic functionality is established. Revert back to TDD to optimize UX and quash bugs.

* MILESTONE: Send task recipients a SMS notifying that User (with a “name that your friends call you by”) has pledged a new task. The message will notify user that she will only receive a message if the User fails a day of the goal and (hopefully/jokingly) a task end goal count (ie: 4/5 completed) and a “buy your friend a beer” completion message.

* MILESTONE: Users cannot modify tasks once set. Users can only cancel it and start a new task. Recipients for canceled know will immediately know through SMS if User canceled task.

* MILESTONE: SMS blackout period from 12AM to 7AM. Delayed queueing jobs if it falls between that period to be all send out starting 7AM.

* MILESTONE: Users should keep Tasks SMALL. Tasks can be grouped together to form PROJECTS. Projects have task completed add to a total PROJECT completed.

IMPLIMENTED / GRAVEYARD : FIXED** CRITICAL: Loop for texting multiple recipients broken.

DONE* MILESTONE: Adding ability to send text messages to recipient phones.

FIXED** CRITICAL: Delayed_jobs currently sends out multiple texts for one scheduled. This MUST be fixed before betaing out to limited testing. Reason >> Delayed Jobs was picking up a missing template error (didn’t write the html page yet for SMS action in TaskController). Putting DJ to thinking sms action in the controller didn’t send texts when it actually did. Fixed >> Set up a delayed jobs initializer file with a attempt limit of 1 instead of 3.