
Table of contents

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Install and Use
  3. Dependencies
  4. Folder Structure
  5. parts fof the project


To use this project you should have the following on your machine:

  1. Node.js
  2. yarn

Install and Use

To install the project you have to:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone or the ssh url.

  2. Install packages: yarn

  3. Run the project: yarn dev

  4. Open storybook: yarn storybook

  5. Run test runner tests for the storybook components to run the integration tests for the: yarn test-storybook


The project is built next.js mainly, Tailwind for styling and Storybook for component development and testing and documentation.

Folder Structure

The main folder structure of the code is structured like the following:

├── modules
   └── shared
       ├── api
          └── example1.api.ts
       ├── components
          └── atoms
          |  └── NotificationMenu
|       |   |      ├── NotificationMenu.tsx
|       |   |      └── types
|       |   ├── molecules
|       |   ├── organisms
|       |   └── icons
       ├── logic
       └── configuration
|           └── axiosConfig.ts
       └── hooks
|           └── useDropdown.ts
|           └── useCategories.ts
       └── types
├── pages
   ├── api
   ├── _app.js
   ├── _document.js
   └── index.js
├── public
   └── favicon.ico
├── styles
   └── globals.css
├── next.config.js
├── tailwind.config.js
  • The structure is modular, this means that the project is encapsulated into modules, each of them will be handling a single page.

  • Every module will have a separated folder that contains its own components, api for api calls, logic for business logic of the module, tests, pages which contains the pages that belongs to the module and index.js file which is the entry point of the module.

  • Also there's the shared module which contains the components, api calls and logic that's shared across all the modules e.g: Layout component.

parts of the project

1. form: contain two searchable dropdown menu

you can access this part locally by going to the following path: http://localhost:3000/categorysubcat

and you can access it on the deployed version by going to the following path:

CategorySubCategory form Task

2. profile page: contain the profile page

you can access this part locally by going to the following path: http://localhost:3000/

and you can access it on the deployed version by going to the following path:

Profile Page Task