
Here we shall try to do some cool stuffs with Neo4j

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Talk with your Neo4j DB

Here we shall try to do some cool stuffs with Neo4j

Dataset files Description

  • small_grouped_data.csv : Contains all the movies with their properties(columns). To load them in your database, use the Cypher Query below:

LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Foutse/Neo4j_experiences/main/dataset_movie/small_grouped_data.csv' AS l FIELDTERMINATOR ',' CREATE(m:MovieLens{M_movieId:toInteger(l.movieId), M_rating:apoc.convert.fromJsonList(l.rating),M_userId:apoc.convert.fromJsonList(l.userId), M_timestamp:l.timestamp,M_title:l.title,M_summary:l.summary,M_year:toInteger(l.movie_year),M_genres:apoc.convert.fromJsonList(l.genres), M_Avg_rating:toFloat(l.Avg_rating),M_unique_tags:apoc.convert.fromJsonList(l.unique_tags), M_unique_Uid_tags:apoc.convert.fromJsonList(l.unique_Uid_tags),M_round_ratings:apoc.convert.fromJsonList(l.round_ratings), M_rating_vector:apoc.convert.fromJsonList(l.rating_vector),M_round_ratingsup:apoc.convert.fromJsonList(l.round_ratingsup), M_round_ratingsdown:apoc.convert.fromJsonList(l.round_ratingsdown),M_rating_vectorup:apoc.convert.fromJsonList(l.rating_vectorup), M_rating_vectordown:apoc.convert.fromJsonList(l.rating_vectordown)}) RETURN count(m)

  • genre_rel_all.csv : contains the relationship between movies based on common genre. The weight represents the jaccard similarity of their genre list. You can load the relationship to your AuraDB as follows:

LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Foutse/Neo4j_experiences/main/dataset_movie/genre_rel_all.csv' AS l FIELDTERMINATOR ',' MATCH (m1:MovieLens {M_movieId: toInteger(l.source)}), (m2:MovieLens {M_movieId: toInteger(l.target)}) WHERE m1 <> m2 AND toFloat(l.weight) > 0 MERGE (m1)-[j:COMMON_GENRES]-(m2) ON CREATE SET j.weight = toFloat(l.weight) RETURN count(j) as total_relations The same logic applies for the other relationship files.

  • user_rel_all.csv : Relationship based on common users who watched the movies
  • usertag_rel_all.csv : Relationship based on common users who tagged the movies
  • summary_textSimBert_all.csv : Relationship based on similarity between the text summary of the movies, fixed to a certain treshold
  • rating_vectordown_rel_all.csv : Relationship based on similarity between their rating vector
  • movie_tag_rel_all.csv : Relationship based on the common tags they have

Screenshot of a comment on a GitHub issue showing an image, added in the Markdown, of an Octocat smiling and raising a tentacle.