
Error: too few arguments

samantneha opened this issue · 5 comments

I am attempting to use Enrich for variant counting and I am getting the following error:
usage: Enrich2 [-h] [--version] [--log FILE] [--no-plots] [--no-tsv]
[--recalculate] [--component-outliers] [--output-dir DIR]
[--sfmap-aa-file FILE]
config {WLS,ratios,counts,OLS,simple} {wt,complete,full}
Enrich2: error: too few arguments

I have previously used this same configuration successfully and I do not know how to resolve this issue. Please help.


You need to provide the configuration file as well as the scoring and normalization methods on the command line.

For example:
enrich_cmd my_config_file.json WLS wt

You can see all the choices in the usage string that you posted. Additional details about each method can be found in the documentation.

Hi Alan,

Thanks for the suggestions, I tried it, and this is what I am getting. I also tried to re-install Enrich2 version 1.2.1, and I ususally use thr GUI which is giving me an error: Not responding
This is how I setup the GUI

The previous comment was to help you use the command-line interface for the program. I'm not sure how to reply since you haven't provided any additional output.

I don't have enough information to help you with the GUI from that picture, sorry. You mentioned that you used this configuration successfully before, so perhaps focus on what's changed since then?

I am extremely sorry, I forgot to paste the error code, through the command line interface
Please find it below.
C:\Users\samantn>enrich_cmd configuration1 ratios wt
2019-12-29 20:55:25,326 [enrich_cmd] Detected a Selection config file
2019-12-29 20:55:25,655 [TEST] Creating new HDF5 data store "C:/Users/samantn/Desktop/MA_CA_SEQ2019\TEST_sel.h5"
2019-12-29 20:55:25,733 [sample1] Creating new HDF5 data store "C:/Users/samantn/Desktop/MA_CA_SEQ2019\sample1_lib.h5"
2019-12-29 20:55:25,733 [sample5] Creating new HDF5 data store "C:/Users/samantn/Desktop/MA_CA_SEQ2019\sample5_lib.h5"
2019-12-29 20:55:25,733 [TEST] Counting for each time point (variants)
2019-12-29 20:55:25,733 [sample1] Counting variants
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\samantn\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda2\Scripts\", line 11, in
load_entry_point('Enrich2==1.2.1', 'console_scripts', 'enrich_cmd')()
File "build\\egg\enrich2\", line 230, in main_cmd
File "build\\egg\enrich2\", line 386, in calculate
File "build\\egg\enrich2\", line 285, in merge_counts_unfiltered
File "build\\egg\enrich2\", line 167, in calculate
File "build\\egg\enrich2\", line 147, in counts_from_reads
File "build\\egg\enrich2\", line 200, in save_counts
ValueError: Failed to count variants [sample1]
Closing remaining open files:C:/Users/samantn/Desktop/MA_CA_SEQ2019\TEST_sel.h5...doneC:/Users/samantn/Desktop/MA_CA_SEQ2019\sample5_lib.h5...doneC:/Users/samantn/Desktop/MA_CA_SEQ2019\sample1_lib.h5...done

For the GUI, I am using this setup above which is exactly the same as before, I use the same input file, I changed to output folder, the Triming and Variant options are same as before. The output was a H5 file and 4 tsv file as below:

If I run the same settings now the error I get is Not Responding, it creats 3 H5 files of 1Kb.
Thank you for your help.

ValueError: Failed to count variants [sample1] is the error returned when there are no counts, for example because all of the reads were filtered out. I am not sure why it would have worked before and now fail with the same settings and same input files.

I suggest double-checking your filtering and trimming settings by inspecting the fastq file, and also make sure that the file path in the configuration is pointing to a fastq file with the right data in it.