
Backward compatible invoker to patch ReIndev with FoxLoader in a develomment environment from an external source.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Backward compatible invoker to patch ReIndev with FoxLoader in a develomment environment from an external source.


For FoxLoader 1.0:

java -cp "FoxLoaderInvoker.jar:FoxLoader-common.jar:asm.jar" com.fox2code.foxloader.invoker.Main <input> <output> <unpick> <client>

Note: Replace : with ; on Windows
Note²: All ASM libs are needed.

For FoxLoader 2.0+:

java -cp "FoxLoaderInvoker.jar:FoxLoader-loader.jar:asm.jar" com.fox2code.foxloader.invoker.Main <input> <output> <unpick>

Note: Replace : with ; on Windows
Note²: All ASM libs are needed.

Special note

For FoxLoader 2.0+ you can use FoxLoader directly without FoxLoaderInvoker by doing:

java -cp "FoxLoader-loader.jar:asm.jar" com.fox2code.foxloader.patching.PatchBridge <input> <output> <unpick>

I will try to keep this API future-proof in FoxLoader itself