
Spring Cloud Kubernetes Change Properties in Runtime

Primary LanguageJava


ConfigMap reload example change the spring boot application properties in runtime

Short kickoff

  1. Clone and build the project
git clone https://github.com/mbaykara/spring-cloud-kubernetes.git
cd spring-cloud-kubernetes
mvn package
  1. Build the docker image
docker build -t [yourRegistry]/springcloud
docker push [yourRegistry]/springcloud
  1. Modify the k8s/deployment.yaml file by replacing image name with your fresh built image
image: baykara/springcloud -> image:  [yourRegistry]/springcloud
  1. Deploy via kubectl
kubectl apply -f k8s/

Check the logs 5. Appy the configmap via

kubectl apply -f config.yaml

Check the logs again and see the diffence!

Test the endpoints

Lets test it without creating service on Kubernetes Simply:

 kubectl port-forward [pod-name] 8080


curl localhost:8080/version


curl localhost:8080/name