
How to control filtering in command line

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I am trying to run methylprep process from the command line without poobah filtering. Documentation says:

--poobah        By default, any beta-values or m-values output will
                        contain all probes. If True, those probes that fail
                        the p-value signal:noise detection are replaced with
                        NaNs in dataframes in beta_values and m_value output.

It also states that --poobah is a Boolean variable with default True. This suggests that if I would like a beta_values output without poobah filtering I should add the option --poobah False to the methylprep process command. However, when I do this I get the error:

unrecognized arguments: False

How can I switch poobah filtering off in the command line?

Can I also confirm that the CSV file named something like "200772300016_R01C01_processed.csv" in a folder called "200772300016" contains all beta-values etc without any filtering?