
Alternative Frontend to Epic Games Launcher made in WinUI 3

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Highly WIP

A Simple Epic Games Launcher frontend made with WinUI3

What works

  • Login with epic games account
  • List all owned games
  • Download and install games (progress indicators are WIP)
  • Play Games (without ownership verification)


There are not stable builds at the moment, you have build it yourself


  1. Download and Install Visual Studio 2022 Make sure to include .NET Desktop Development and Windows App SDK C# Templates

    Or you can just run

    winget install "Visual Studio Community 2022" --override "--add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NativeDesktop Microsoft.VisualStudio.ComponentGroup.WindowsAppSDK.Cpp" -s msstore

  2. Clone this repo

  3. Build and run the app

  • If you want to have loosely packaged binaries, you can just build the main Crimson project and run the Crimson.exe
  • If you want to get application packaged as appx , you must add a signing key to Crimson Packaging project and run publish from that project