
Allows users to convert a collection of GPX files into a heatmap

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense


A complete explanation of this code can be found on my website. This program takes a series of gpx files and outputs an html file containing an interactive heatmap from gps data.

example output


Install Dependencies

$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Configure environment

$ cp config-example.ini config.ini
$ sed -i "s/####/$MY_GOOGLE_API_KEY/g" config.ini
$ cat config.ini
API_KEY = <your API key should be here>


Show help:

$ python3 heatmap.py --help
Usage: heatmap.py [OPTIONS]

  --output TEXT                   Specify the name of the output file.
                                  Defaults to `map`
  --input TEXT                    Specify an input folder. Defaults to `gpx`
  --filter [running|cycling|walking]
                                  Specify a filter type. Defaults to no filter
  --accuracy                      Number of decimal places to round lat/long to. Defaults to `4`
                                  Increasing accuracy increases amount of data that needs to load
  --average/--no-average          Averages all lat/long at accuracy N+1 to provide more accurate
                                  data with less data points. Defaults to `--average`
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


$ python3 heatmap.py
$ python3 heatmap.py --input gpx --output map

Retrieving GPX Files

Note: GPSBabel tool may help you convert from file formats such as .tcx to .gpx files

Accuracy Levels

See this explanation for how decimals places correspond to map accuracy for lat/long.