5 projects for the front end libraries certication with fcc 300hrs
Any mix of HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Bootstrap, SASS, React, Redux, and jQuery to complete these projects. It is encouraged to utilize a frontend framework as the FreeCodeCamp section is about learning frontend frameworks.
For this project I used quotes from one of my favourite games Dark Souls.
Coded with:
- jQuery
To submit a project to FreeCodeCamp it is required to use CodePen, this gave me a few CORS Origin issues when trying to get JSON data from GitHub. After trying to work around this, it was easiest to make a gist which gave me no issues. The Fisher–Yates shuffle algorithm was utilized for generating a random permutation of my quotes.
Fisher Yates Shuffle Algorithm
For Images and Quotes darksouls fandom wiki was used
If your a Dark Souls fan and wish to use the quotes then please feel free to use my JSON data or gist for your own project.