
Port of SETI@Home to an FPGA Platform

Primary LanguageC++


Port of SETI@Home to an FPGA Platform

Use Visual Studio 2005 to open and build the following 2 solutions:

boinc-old/win_build/boinc.sln seti_boinc/client/win_build/seti_boinc.sln

Things to Do:

[1] Change all references from seti_boinc.sln related projects to boinc-old from boinc. [2] Update all configurations to mirror the Debug configuration, so they all work. [3] Convert LabViewTester.cpp project into a Visual Studio 2005 project. (Or add support for both)

How to Run the Code

This Visual Studio 2005 Solution has 2 configurations for 2 platforms for a total of 4
possible ways to run the application:
	+ Win32->Debug
	+ Win32->Release
	+ x64->Debug
	+ x64->Release

I have not yet tested out the 64-bit builds.  But both 32-bit configurations work.

At the start of each work unit calculation, the following files are read and a "soft link" is
	work_unit.sah => resolves to a file named as such:
	result.sah => resolves to a file named as such:

So to quickly reset your work unit calculation, to get back to the original state of your
application to be as if you just downloaded a new work unit:
(from the <git_root>/client/projects/setiathome.berkeley.edu directory)
(1) Copy:
(2) Delete:
(from the <git_root>/client/slots/0 directory)
(1) Delete: state.sah
(2) Delete: boinc_lockfile

Running the Test Code:

There are 3 ways of testing the input and output Fft data. One is with pure Labview, the other is with C++, and the last is with Pyhon 2.7.

Open the Visual Studio 2010 Solution from the following location:
Build the Solution (Preferably the Debug Configuration)
Open a windows command prompt and go to the following directory:
Execute the following command:

Quick Analysis of the code:

The main function of interest, where all the heavy lifting occurs is in the "analyzeFuncs.cpp" file in the "seti_analyze" function. This function starts at around line 178.

		Opens the work_unit.sah file

	Look for #ifdef USE_FPGA.  If this #define is not set, the regular code will run,
	if this is set, the Fpga will be used only for FFT's of length 16.

	Go to around line #507, and you will see an #ifdef for USE_FPGA.  This will print
	some benchmarking information and initialize the connection to the Fpga.

	Then at around line 515, the main loop begins, which loops from 0 to num_cffts.
	num_cffts is usually around 100,000, and for each iteration, the loop does:
		- ChirpData
		- Loops from 0 to # of Ffts to perform, the # of Ffts is NumDataPoints / fftlen
			(typically 1,000,000 / 16)
		- Performs a Fft on portions of the ChirpedData in increments of Fftlen
		- Calls GetPowerSpectrum on those results
		- Does a quick analysis
		- This loop (the inner loop) can be done in one large step inside the Fpga

	Between Debug and Release modes, a different set of functions are selected because
	SETI@Home tests out each function at the start of the run to determine which is the
	fastest function, and in Debug mode no performance enchancement is detected due to the
	lack of optimizations.
	Looks like I found the bug - it was calling a function that is for a 64-bit platform
	when running on a 32-bit build.  Of course there was going to be an error!

This function operates on an input "Work Unit" which has the following information: Roughly 1 million Complex Data Points where each component is of type single-precision floats The function then does the following operations (in order): Generate or load Chirp Fft Pairs - The number of "Chirp Fft" pairs is different depending on the work unit, but it typically numbers in the 140 thousands. Each Chirp Fft pair contains an Fft length, and a Chirp Rate.

Iterate from 0 to the total number of Chirp Fft Pairs generated in the function above.
	Take the 1 million Complex Data points and "Chirp" the data. See the function named
	"v_ChirpData" in analyzeFuncs.cpp.
	Use the Fft Length specified in the current Chirp Fft pair, and iterate over the
	input datapoints one Fft Length at a time.
	NumFfts = NumDataPoints / fftlen
	for ifft=0; i < NumFfts; i++
		Calculate Fft