Simple compiler implemented with Lex and Yacc for the PercyLanguage language

Primary LanguageC


The report can be found in the root directory under the name informe.pdf


PercyCompiler is a simple compiler implemented with Lex and Yacc for the PercyLanguage language. The PercyLanguage is a strongly-typed language that uses a syntax similar to javascript. This language allows you to generate simple static html files.


To generate the compiler executable, standing on the root project folder run the command make all. This will generate the percy compiler executable. To remove all the generated files, run the make clean command.

How to use it ?

    ./percy [OPTION]
                -h                                 Prints the help and finishes.
                -v                                 Prints the version and finishes.
                -i <input-file>                    Sets the file to process, must have the '.percy' extension.
                -o <output-file>                   Sets the output result file. The default is 'a.percyout'.


In the /examples directory you can find some examples of the PercyLanguage syntax and functionality:

  • do_while_example.percy: shows the syntax and functionality of the "do while" cycle.

  • even_numbers_example.percy: this file renders the first 6 even numbers.

  • for_example.percy: shows the syntax and functionality of the "for" cycle.

  • if_example.percy : shows the syntax and functionality of the "if-else" statement.

  • while_example.percy: shows the syntax and functionality of the "while" cycle.
