
The repository for the sentiment analysis project of the Computational Intelligence Lab course at ETH (2023)

Primary LanguagePython

Computational Intelligence Lab 2023 -- Text Sentiment Classification

Enrico Brusoni, Francesco Girlanda, Timon Kick, Matteo Mazzonelli

Group: Molto CIL

Department of Computer Science, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

1. Project definition

Perform text sentiment classification on Twitter data (tweets). The goal is to develop an automatic method to reveal the authors' opinion/sentiment.

2. Setup

Install the required packages by running the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

3. Preprocessing

Create a directory called twitter-datasets and download all data from https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/ethz-cil-text-classification-2023/data

Run the following commands to preprocess training and test data:

cd ./preprocessed
python preprocess_train.py
python preprocess_test.py

If you want to compute the old preprocessing used for the baselines you can run the Jupyper notebook in /old_scripts/preprocessing_train_old.ipynb and /old_scripts/preprocessing_test_old.ipynb. The column that we used for the baselines was partial_cleaned_tweet.

4. Train models

4.1. Baselines models

Specify training dataset path in the config.yaml file, then run

cd ./src
python baseline_script.py

4.2. Train cross validation

Define all the parameters in the config.yaml file to perform a k-fold cross validation. The first section includes general parameters:

  • seed: Seed value used for reproducibility
  • train_path: Path to the training data CSV file
  • test_path: Path to the test data CSV file
  • n_folds: Number of folds used in cross-validation
  • test_batch: Batch size for test data during inference, helps if you train different model with different training batch size
  • column_text_name: Name of the column containing the text data in the CSV files
  • column_label_name: Name of the column containing the labels in the CSV files. Default value is 'label'
  • grid: Boolean flag to indicate whether to perform grid search
  • ensemble: Boolean flag to indicate whether to use ensemble techniques
  • debug: Boolean flag to enable debug mode
  • use_subsampling: Boolean flag to use subsampling for training data, useful for testing the code locally
  • wandb: Boolean flag to enable Weights & Biases (wandb) logging

The other sections allows to further specify training details depending on the setting you choose in the first section.

After completing the setup run the following commands:

cd ./src
python train_script.py

4.3. Train for submission

Specify all the parameters in the config.yaml file following the same format used for training a cross-validation, then run

cd ./src
python submission_script.py

The code generates a Prediction.csv file, which is ready for submission on Kaggle.

5. Results

Performances of every training and cross-validation are stored in results.txt.

The table below shows the most significant performances obtained:

Model Accuracy(%) Variance(%)
BoW + Logistic Regression 80.23 0.208
TFIDF + Logistic Regression 80.18 0.207
BoW + LinearSVM 73.22 0.382
TFIDF + LinearSVM 71.32 0.382
BoW + XGBClassifier 75.71 0.239
TFIDF + XGBClassifier 76.28 0.193
BoW + GradientBoostingClassifier 69.98 0.149
TFIDF + GradientBoostingClassifier 70.03 0.232
GloVe + LSTM 86.64 0.043
distilBERT 89.61 0.239
roBERTaTweet 90.78 0.245
BERTweet-base with AWP 91.43 0.247
BERTweet-large with AWP 91.70 0.247
BERTweet-large with LoRA 91.73 0.179
Enhanced BERTweet ensemble 92.04 0.273

The strongest performance (Enhanced BERTweet ensemble) was obtained with an ensemble of three models:

  • BERTweet-base with Adversarial Weight Perturbation (AWP)
  • BERTweet-large with Adversarial Weight Perturbation (AWP)
  • BERTweet-large with Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA)

The ensemble has been cross-validated on a NVIDIA A100 80GB PCIe on Euler Cluster using train.sh and config.yaml

The final submission has been generated on a NVIDIA A100 80GB PCIe on Euler Cluster using submission.sh and config.yaml