
This is a tool to convert xml large files to csv files.

Primary LanguagePython


This is a tool to convert xml large files to csv files. The goal is process large xml files to model this information into #BigQuery. The model processing tool locates the set of repetitive data and then works with the attributes of this node. example:

     <users(iterative row-node )> 
      <row (interative row) [attribute 1], [attribute 2]....```

- Nicolas Bortolotti, 2014
- License: Apache 2.0

##Commandline utilities

--input input XML document's filename* --output output CSV file's filename* --row identify the node in the xml file (iterative)* --schema xml-csv schema


command --input test/Users1.xml --output Users1.csv --row users --schema Id,Reputation,CreationDate,DisplayName,LastAccessDate,WebsiteUrl,Location,Views,UpVotes,DownVotes,Age,AccountId