
Geodesic polylines and polygons for Leaflet

BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


Geodesic polylines and polygons for Leaflet


L.GeodesicPolyline( <LatLng[]> latlngs, <Polyline options> options? )
L.GeodesicPolygon( <LatLng[]> latlngs, <Polyline options> options? )
L.GeodesicMultiPolyline( <LatLng[][]> latlngs, <Polyline options> options? )
L.GeodesicMultiPolygon( <LatLng[][]> latlngs, <Polyline options> options? )

These will follow the curvature of the Earth and are used just like the normal versions of the constructors that are rendered as straight lines on the screen