
This repository shows how we can develop and save ML and DL model and use them to predict and diagnosis different diseases.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Hi 👋, This project illustrates using AI in healthcare.



Brain Tumor

Heart Disease Prediction

Breast Cancer Prediction

Hepatitis Disease Prediction

Skin Cancer Detection

Diabetes Prediction

Ocular Disease Detection

Liver Disease Prediction

Stroke Disease

Lung Cancer

Kidney Disease Prediction

Used Tools And Technology

  • Visual Studio, Atom, PyCharm, Jupyter Notebook
  • Python
  • Flask
  • Numpy
  • Pandas
  • Matplotlib
  • Seaborn
  • Sklearn
  • ML Algorithms
  • Xgboos
  • Joblib
  • Pickle
  • Tensorflow
  • Transfer Learning Algorithms
  • cv2
  • PIL
  • os


  pip install -r requirements.txt

Steps Involeved In Projects

  • Import libraries
  • Get the Dataset
  • EDA
    • Check The dataset rows and columns along with data types
    • Check the null values
    • Check whether balance or imbalance dataset
    • Check the outliers
    • Check the relationship of features
  • Feature Engineering
    • Handling missing values
    • Handling imbalance dataset
    • Handling outliers
  • Feature Selection
  • Train different Model and select the best one
  • Test the model
  • Save the model

This repository was created by: