Welcome to fralle.net, my portfolio page showcasing some of my projects and information about me. This website is built using React and styled-components, providing visitors with a visually appealing and interactive experience.
To run the fralle.net website locally, make sure you have Node.js and npm installed. Then, follow these steps:
- Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/Fralleee/fralle.net.git
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd fralle.net
- Install the dependencies:
npm install
- Start the development server:
npm start
- Open your browser and visit:
Once the development server runs, you can explore the fralle.net portfolio page by navigating the different sections. The website showcases some of my projects, provides information about me, and allows visitors to contact me. Enjoy the responsive design and interactive elements powered by React and styled-components.
There are no specific configuration steps required for this project. However, you can customize the portfolio page's content and styling by modifying the codebase's relevant components and styles.
fralle.net is my portfolio page, serving as a showcase of my projects and skills. As such, there is no specific roadmap currently available for you. However, as my journey progresses, I will continue to update and improve the portfolio page with new projects and information. I'd like you to please stay tuned for updates and enhancements.
While contributions are not expected for this specific portfolio page project, I appreciate your interest and support. If you have any suggestions or feedback regarding my projects or the portfolio page itself, feel free to contact me through the provided contact information on the website.