
A react component for extremely efficient and lean table implementations.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Frame One Table Logo

version 0.2.0 had some big changes to how data is passed around, will document eventually



npm install frame-one-table


yarn add frame-one-table


Use Frame One Table's TableGenerator component like any React component; and pass it props to configure your table as desired.

import * as React from 'react'
import {TableGenerator} from "frame-one-table";

class Example extends React.Component {
  render () {
    return (


Table Generator TableGeneratorProps

Prop Type Description
data TableData Pass in the data here to be rendered
columnOptions ColumnOption[] Options to determine the rendering of each column
paginatorProps IPaginatorProps[] Props for controlling the paginator
sortable boolean Determine a default for each column as sortable. This can be overridden by the columnOptions
showSortIcons boolean Toggle to hide or show the arrow icons in the header cells when a column is sortable. Defaults true
showHeader boolean Hide or show the header row. Defaults true
showBody boolean Hide or show the body part of the table. Not sure why you would want to hide it if you are using this library. Defaults true
headerClassName string className applied to the header row
rowClassName string className applied to each row in the body
headerCellClassName string className applied to each cell in the header row
rowCellClassName string className applied to each cell in the table body
headerStyle CSSProperties style tag applied to the header row
rowStyle CSSProperties style tag applied to each row in the body
headerCellStyle CSSProperties style tag applied to each cell in the header row
rowCellStyle CSSProperties style tag applied to each cell in the table body
rowFilter ContextFunctionRow<boolean> filter out rows that are shown // TODO
paginationControlsRender ContextFunctionPagination<ReactNode> create your own pagination controls // TODO
loading boolean loading, its nice to use this instead of increment loading since we can just block a table // TODO
loadingOverlay ContextFunctionData<ReactNode> loading, its nice to use this instead of increment loading since we can just block a table // TODO

Column Options ColumnOption

Prop Type Description
key string number key that is used to extract the correct value from the row's object (string) or array (number)
headerValue any Label for the header cell (ie. First Name)
valueFormatter ContextFunctionCell<any> Format function to run the values for the column's body cells through before displaying them (ie. (height) => height + "cm"). Does not modify the value used to compare for sorting the column
headerRender ContextFunctionCell<ReactNode> Custom render function for the header cell
cellRender ContextFunctionCell<ReactNode> Custom render function for the body cells of this column
headerCellClassName string className applied to the header cell
rowCellClassName string className applied to the body cells of this column
headerCellStyle CSSProperties style tag applied to the header cell
rowCellStyle CSSProperties style tag applied to the body cells of this column
sortable boolean Toggle if this column can be sorted. Takes precedent over the "sortable" prop from TableGeneratorProps
showSortIcons boolean Toggle to hide or show the arrow icons in the header cell if the column is sortable. Takes precedent of the "showSortIcons" props from TableGeneratorProps
sortFunction (a: any, b: any, aRow: TableDataEntry, bRow: TableDataEntry, data: TableData, columns: ColumnOption[], sortConfiguration: ISortStyle) => number Custom sort function for the column where a & b are the values. If not custom sort is applied, the library will attempt to sort automatically based on the primitive data type
hidden boolean Toggle for hiding a column... Perhaps if a column becomes hidden based on certain conditions on your end, change this to false instead of creating a whole new set of column options

Paginator Props IPaginatorProps

Prop Type Description
show boolean Show or hide the paginator. Defaults false
limitLabel string String shown next to the drop-down for choosing the limit (ie. Showing X - Y of Z)
currentLimit number Currently selected limit for the table
limitOptions number[] Array of numbers representing options for what limits can be chosen via the drop-down
total number Total number of results in the table or pool of data. Used to calculate the last index for the "go to last" button
onLimitChange (newLimit: number) => void Handler for changing the limit per page via the drop-down
enableGoPrevious boolean Toggle for if the "go to first" and "previous" buttons should be enabled
enableGoNext boolean Toggle for if the "go to last" and "next" buttons should be enabled
showGoToFirstButton boolean Hide or show the "go to first" button. Defaults true
showGoToLastButton boolean Hide or show the "go to last" button. Defaults true
currentOffset number Current offset of the pagination, indexed at 0
availableOffsets number[] Array of numbers for which pages should be accessible via the paginator (indexed at 0 - ie. [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], will be displayed as [1, 2, 3, 4 ,5] by the library)
onOffsetChange (newOffset: number) => void Handler for changing the selected offset page

Table Data Types

Name Type Notes
TableDataEntryArray any[] // TODO; currently not supported
TableDataEntryJSON {[key: string]: any}
TableData Array<TableDataEntryArray> or Array<TableDataEntryJSON> The data for the table
TableDataEntry TableDataEntryArray or TableDataEntryJSON Represents a single row
TableDataEntry TableDataEntryArray or TableDataEntryJSON Represents a single row

Context Helpers

Name Type
ContextFunctionData<R> (data: TableData) => R
ContextFunctionCell<R> (value: any, row: TableDataEntryArray or TableDataEntryJSON, key: string or number, data: TableData, index?: number) => R
ContextFunctionRow<R> (row: TableDataEntryArray or TableDataEntryJSON, key: string or number, data: TableData, index?: number) => R
ContextFunctionPagination<R> (pageSize: number, pageIndex: number, goToPage: (page: number) => void, data: TableData) => R