Laravel Microservices

Running Laravel with Microservices Architecture using Docker Containers.

Inspired by Laradock

The following containers will be run by default:

  • nginx
  • application (for storing project source code)
  • php-fpm
  • workspace (for working around with the all project)
  • mysql
  • mysql_test (for running integration test)
  • mongodb
  • redis
  • data (for storing mysql, mongo, redis data)
  • data_test (for storing mysql, mongo, redis data while running test)
  • logs (for storing some system logs)


  • Copy file docker-compose.yml to your Laravel folder.
  • You should change the project keyword with your real project name in docker-compose.yml file.
  • You have to change the database's variables to fit your .env file configuration
  • If you do not need any services (such as mongodb or redis), simply remove it from docker-compose.yml
  • The project's persistant data (mysql, redis, mongodb data ...) will be stored inside this .docker folder. It should be added to .gitignore.
  • Run docker-compose up -d and enjoy.
  • Run docker exec -it project_workspace bash to enter workspace container. You can run php artisan command inside this container.


Our docker-compose.yml is powered by the following images: