
A queue that manages the grading of tasks on several servers.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Grader queue

This service provides a queue system for jobs. It handles receiving jobs from various sources and sending jobs to taskgrader servers. It was made for use with the taskgrader but can work with any program using JSON to describe jobs and results.

How does it work?

  • Platforms send jobs through the API api.php
  • Grading servers poll the queue through poll.php
  • Tasks whose tags can be handled by a given server are sent to this server
  • Grading server executes the job then sends back the results through sendresults.php
  • Platforms get the results through the API

## Installation

  • install composer and run composer install
  • In the www folder, copy config.inc.php.template to config.inc.php and edit it to suit your needs.
  • Execute install.sh in the root folder, it will set up the database and create the graderqueue certificate.
  • Create keys for the platforms and the servers using clientcert.sh in the certs folder.
  • Add platforms and servers to the database in the tables platforms and servers.
  • Configure your web server to point to the www folder; for Apache2 and Nginx, you can use the example config files in the examples folder.
  • Secure or disable access to interface.php with your favorite method, for instance with the htaccess file in the examples folder.


The file config.inc.php contains various configuration options.

The script cron.php needs to be executed regularly to delete old tasks and send warnings to the admin.

Once the database is set up, platforms, servers, server types and tags need to be configured.

Setting up a platform

Platforms send jobs through the API. They need to be registered first in the table platforms:

  • id and name are internal identifiers (name is also the key id used in token communication)
  • public_key is the public key of the platform (used in token communications)
  • return_url is the url where the result of the evaluation will be sent
  • restrict_paths means, if not empty, that the jobs sent by this platform will have access restricted to these paths during their execution
  • force_tag means, if not -1, that the tag with this id will be added to all jobs sent by this platform

Platforms need to call the API with their request encoded in a token, passed in a post variable name token. This token (jwt) has the following characteristics:

  • it is encrypted (JWE) with the following parameters (all names are standard):
    • algorithm: RSA-OAEP-256
    • encoding: A256CBC-HS512
    • compression: DEF
    • key id: the configuration option $CFG_key_name of www/config.inc.php
  • its payload is a signed token (JWS) with the following parameters:
    • algorithm: RS512
    • key id: the sql field platforms.name

The jws token can be verified with the platform public key (platforms.public_key) and the jwe can be decrypted with $CFG_private_key of www/config.inc.php.

Tokens used in the communication with the platform's return url are one the exact same principle.

Setting up a server

Servers poll the graderqueue for jobs, execute them, then send back the results. They need to be registered as well in the table servers:

  • id and name are internal identifiers
  • ssl_serial and ssl_dn are the serial and issuer DN of the client SSL certificate used by the platform
  • wakeup_url is an URL to call to wake-up the server: if this server hasn't been polling for a minute and the graderqueue has a job for it, it will call the URL
  • type is the type of the server
  • max_concurrent_jobs is the maximum number of concurrent jobs this server is allowed to ask for

Servers need to access the graderqueue through HTTPS, using a client SSL certificate issued by the platform. The script certs/clientcert.sh easily creates such a certificate.

Setting up tags

Tags are capabilities of a server. If a job is assigned tags, then only servers who can handle these tags will be given the job.

They're defined in the table tags; the id is the internal identifier, and the name is the name of the tag used by platforms when sending jobs.

Setting up server types

A server type corresponds to a set of tags: servers of this type can handle all tags of this set (and only these tags).

Their name is defined in the table server_types, and the tags which can be handled are defined with pairs in the table type_tags.


The API at api.php is made for platforms to send jobs and request the results. It needs to be access through HTTPS with a client SSL certificate, and parameters must be sent in a POST request.

Note that the interface uses an extra parameter, token, allowing it to bypass the SSL client certificate validation (thus why the interface needs to be secured in some way).


test request allows a platform to test the connection and authentication. No parameters.


sendjob request allows a platform to send a job directly with the JSON data. Parameters:

  • request: 'sendjob'
  • jobdata: (JSON) data of the job to be executed
  • jobname: (string) name for the job
  • priority: (integer) priority of the job in the queue
  • tags: (comma-separated list of strings) tags associated with the job


sendsolution request allows a platform to send the parameters of a job; the JSON data of that job will in that case be generated with standard parameters by the API. It is mainly meant for use by the interface. Parameters:

  • request: 'sendsolution'
  • jobname: (string) name for the job
  • priority: (integer) priority of the job in the queue
  • tags: (comma-separated list of strings) tags associated with the job
  • solfile or solpath or solcontent: solution, either as an uploaded file (solfile), as a path local to the grading server (solpath) or directly as the content of the solution (solcontent)
  • taskpath: (string) path to the problem
  • memlimit: (integer) memory limit for the execution of the solution
  • timelimit: (integer) time limit for the execution of the solution
  • lang: (string) language of the solution


getjob requests allows a platform to fetch the status of a job. Parameters:

  • request: 'getjob'
  • jobid: (integer) the ID of the job

It returns a JSON array corresponding to the contents of the table for that job.


Users can access a simple interface at interface.php; this interface allows to send jobs, check the current status of servers and of jobs.


The folder graderserver contains an implementation of a grading server using this graderqueue. It was made for use with the taskgrader, but can be used with any program accepting the job on its standard input and sending back the results on its standard output.

Before using it, you need to edit config.py, using the template from config.py.template, and supply the client SSL certificate for this server.

The command server.py -s will launch it in server-mode: it will daemonize and listen on UDP for wake-up signals from the graderqueue.

Testing the connection

Once configured, you can execute server.py -t to test the connection and authentication to the graderqueue.

Testing the graderqueue with graderserver

The command-line argument --testbehavior allows to use graderserver as a test server for graderqueue, by simulating various behaviors an erroneous server may have. It accepts an integer to select which test behavior to apply:

  • 0: behave normally (default)
  • 1: accept a job, then poll for a new one immediately without sending back any results
  • 2: accept a job, then wait for 60 seconds before starting the evaluation; allows to test behavior on jobs with a timeout shorter than 60 seconds
  • 3: accept a job, then report a fatal error while sending results
  • 4: accept a job, then report a temporary error while sending results
  • 5: accept a job, then send back erroneous results
  • 6: accept a job, then use /bin/cat as taskgrader, effectively sending job JSON as a dummy result JSON