
Ask me anything! 🎉

Ask me anything! 🎉

Hi, I'm Frances. 😊

My personal logo happens to be a chocolate dipped strawberry - I'm very proud of this factoid. 🍫🍓️

On the interwebs, you can find me through the alias FVCproductions. 🌐

Ask a question 💬       Read questions 📖

I tend to get a lot of questions by email. 📨

Instead of limiting answers to email threads, this repo allows anyone to view them! 👀

Anything means anything. Personal questions. Money. Work. Life. Code. Whatever.


  • Ensure your question hasn't already been answered.
  • Use a succinct title and description.
  • Bugs & feature requests should be opened on the relevant issue tracker.
  • Support questions are better asked on Stack Overflow.
  • Be civil and polite, please!
