Tech events all around the world...
Just - la la la la la - It goes around the world
Just - la la la la la - It's all around the world
Just - la la la la la - And everybody's coding
La la la la la - And now commits are merging
🎓 Collegiate - geared towards students still in school
🚺 Women - geared towards women in tech
- BigApps
- Digital NYC Events
- Gary's Guide
- Guide to NYC Tech
- Meetups in NYC Tech Scene
- Project Entrepreneur 🚺
- Startup Digest
- Tech Day
- UltraLight Startup Event
- Walkabout NYC
- AngelHack
- Devpost
- Ha.ckathon
- Hackalist
- Hackathons Near Me
- Hackevents
- Local Hack Day by MLH 🎓
- Major League Hacking 🎓
- NY Hackathons
- hip and happenin' NYC hackathons all in one place
Have you gone to enough tech events? Enough of staying on sidelines, it's time to speak up!
To get started...
- 🍴 Fork this repo here
- 🔠 Add event links in alphabetical order
- 🔟 Add hackathons in chronological order
- 😊 Add yourself as a contributor under credits
- 🔧 Make a pull request here
Or just create an issue - any little bit of help counts! 😊
- 😯 Create an issue here!
Feed me... 🍕