
Tech events all around the world, nah nah nah nah 🌎

MIT LicenseMIT

Tech Events

Github Issues Pending Pull-Requests License

Tech events all around the world...

Just - la la la la la - It goes around the world

Just - la la la la la - It's all around the world

Just - la la la la la - And everybody's coding

La la la la la - And now commits are merging


🎓 Collegiate - geared towards students still in school

🚺 Women - geared towards women in tech


New York City


New York City

  • NY Hackathons
    • hip and happenin' NYC hackathons all in one place


Have you gone to enough tech events? Enough of staying on sidelines, it's time to speak up!

Other Resources


To get started...

  • 🍴 Fork this repo here
  • 🔠 Add event links in alphabetical order
  • 🔟 Add hackathons in chronological order
  • 😊 Add yourself as a contributor under credits
  • 🔧 Make a pull request here

Or just create an issue - any little bit of help counts! 😊

  • 😯 Create an issue here!



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