
fell for the nix meme // personal nix flake

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my personal nix flake

usage (nixos)

nix-shell -p git --run 'git clone https://github.com/Francesco149/flake ~/flake'
cd ~/flake
nix-shell -p git --run 'nix develop' # or nix-shell
nixos-rebuild switch --use-remote-sudo --flake .#nixos-11400f

# relog into your user or reboot

where nixos-11400f is the name of one of the nixosConfiguration entries in flake.nix

whenever you want to rebuild the system, you can simply run the alias xb from a shell. the flake must be located at ~/flake for this to work, so you will have to move it if your default user is not the same as the stock nixos user

things to do if you're not me

set up your own hardware-specific config

cd ~/flake
mkdir my-machine
cd my-machine
nixos-generate-config --dir .

note: if you're doing this on a remote machine you could simply enable ssh on its stock /etc/nixos/configuration.nix and work on your local computer by doing:

mkdir my-machine
cd my-machine
ssh remotemachine sudo -S nixos-generate-config --show-hardware-config > hardware-configuration.nix
# edit configuration.nix, home.nix, flake.nix etc
nixos-rebuild --flake .#my-machine --target-host $dst --build-host $dst switch
# can also change build-host to localhost if the target is a slow machine

edit configuration.nix to your liking, you might want to import ../configuration.nix like my other configs (see nixos-11400f for an example)

add your own machine configuration to flake.nix in nixosConfigurations

      my-machine = mkSystem {
        configName = "my-machine";
        modules = [ ./my-machine/configuration.nix ];
        homeImports = [ ./home.nix ];

edit secrets/secrets.nix to have your own ssh key and secrets

known issues

cachix will not apply until after the first rebuild-switch. this means that nix will attempt to build emacs from scratch for example. the workaround is to temporarily set the emacs package to just emacs in home.nix and then change it back

emacs vs vim

I mainly use vim. I only use emacs to write notes and such in org-mode. I tried using emacs for programming and as a window manager with exwm for a couple months, but it's just too slow and janky. there were times where opening large source files (nothing crazy, not even in the megabytes) would make emacs unbearably slow in movement and editing, even with tree-sitter. this is why my emacs config has font-lock disabled by default. I only enable it when I know it's not gonna be slow. vim has no such problems out of the box.

other problems I had with emacs were situations where I could softlock emacs by doing unexpected things like mousing over a different window while being in some evil or minibuffer prompt, in some cases I just wasn't able to get out of it because not even M-x was working.

I don't need IDE features like autocomplete, they actually slow me down. I tried using fancy language servers and such, it just makes writing code more painful for me. most of the time it either breaks my flow or just doesn't do what I expect it to do