this is a script i put together that automatically:
- patches and compiles winealsa/winepulse with environment variables to tweak sound latency
- creates a back-up of your system wine's winealsa and winepulse
- installs the patched winealsa/winepulse
- creates a wine prefix and installs osu! using your system wine
- creates a script to start and kill osu with tweakable latency values
at the moment, this script makes various assumptions:
- it looks in /usr/lib32 for wine libraries to replace
- assumes you don't touch the osu install location or at least don't move it outside of C:
USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. I made this mainly for myself so I can set up osu without having to replace the system wine or making a full wine build with all the runtime libraries. it will only ask for root when replacing the winealsa/winepulse libraries and when installing the osu binary
credits to ThePooN for exploring past just adjusting buffer sizes, which inspired me to make this winealsa patch for my particular setup
note that on a pure alsa setup you also want to manually tweak your buffer size in the asoundrc.
if using pulse, check out thepoon's blog post for more low latency settings for pulse
possible improvements:
- find a way to inject the patched files without physically replacing them. I tried LD_PRELOAD tricks and changing WINEDLLPATH but nothing worked
- find a way to properly wait for the osu installer to start and terminate
- find a way to automatically cancel the gecko/mono install on prefix creation
- git
- wine
- GNU find or something that supports -quit
- make, autoconfig, automake
- gcc
- winealsa-devel, winepulse-devel
if you have all of these and it still doesn't work just read the terminal output and you'll most likely be able to figure out what is missing
git clone
cd ./linux-osu
cancel the wine gecko/mono installs when prompted
when the installer starts, don't change the install location
when the game starts, close it.
if this completes successfully, you should be able to run osu
after the first run, re-running regenerates and reinstalls the osu launcher script.
things you can do before re-running
- delete pfx to recreate the wine prefix
- delete both pfx and folder to reinstall osu and recreate the prefix (folder is your osu folder, so back it up if you wish)
- delete wine to force it to re-download the wine source
- delete wrk to force a re-build of the patched wine libraries