
headless client for love live school idol festival all stars + web ui

Primary LanguageKotlinThe UnlicenseUnlicense

work-in-progress headless client for love live! school idol festival all stars

follow along with my notes to see how I reverse engineer it

this project is at a very early stage. right now it's meant to be used by me and other developers to reverse engineer the api further and test it. eventually i want this to be a module you can use to automatically manage and create your sifas accounts

important usage notes

do not run multiple instances of this client if you don't know what you're doing, they will end up fighting eachother and potentially breaking accounts. use the daemon mode, which runs everything in one process. the individual applets are for dev testing

build and run (linux)

temporarily, you need nodejs to run an additional local service that generates push notification tokens. this will run on port 6969

cd token-generator
npm i
npm start

once that's running, you can build and run the client

you need the kotlin compiler (kotlinc) which on void linux is package kotlin-bin

my build script will automatically download and set up dependencies

# build and run
./build.sh daemon | tee -a output.log

it's recommended to save output to a log as some responses are very large to read with just terminal scrollback

build and run (windows/cygwin)

install nodejs, I don't think the additional tools for native extensions are necessary, not sure

download java for windows x64 https://jdk.java.net/java-se-ri/9 and extract somewhere

the java cacerts file will be broken. replace it with this . you should copy it to path\to\java\lib\security replacing the cacerts file

from the cygwin installer select curl, sqlite, sqlite-devel, zip, git. other packages might be necessary that I missed, if you run into any issue re-run cygwin installer to install more pkgs

run (replace paths as appropriate for your installs)

echo 'export PATH="$PATH:/cygdrive/c/path/to/java-9/bin"' >> .bashrc
echo 'export PATH="$PATH:/cygdrive/c/Program Files/nodejs"' >> .bashrc
curl -s https://get.sdkman.io | bash
sdk install kotlin

last command will prompt you to run some init command. run it

then run

source ~/.bashrc

now you can

git clone https://github.com/Francesco149/todokete ~/todokete
cd ~/todokete/token-generator
npm i
npm start

and in another cygwin window:

cd ~/todokete
./build.sh daemon

client progress

  • store accounts in a database
  • log in existing accounts
  • configurable endpoint and other version/region tied things
  • multithread support
  • store full request logs for each account
  • a way to view and filter all logs combined
  • proxy support
  • link sifid.net account
  • automatically download apk and parse strings and hashes

backend progress

this is very rough at the moment, I just needed a quick hack to visualize accounts and items from the temporary front-end I'm developing. it literally just dumps all the accounts and items at once as json when you request /accounts and lets you get decrypted textures by pak name and offset. this requires having an "assets" folder that contains a texture folder with the decrypted folder as well as the decrypted game databases (masterdata.db, asset_a_ja_0.db and all the dictionary db's)

it goes without saying that this backend is not meant to be secure and should not be exposed on an untrusted network. always keep it on your local network, make sure the port is closed to the outside world


  • /accounts returns an array of all the accounts. the items field is a map of id -> amount. example:
        "id": 123,
        "lastLogin": 1573140519347,
        "sifidMail": "nice@me.me",
        "items": {"0":900,"9015":1},
        "archived": 0
  • /items returns a map of all items where the keys are the id's. note that this doesn't return all items in the game, just the ones that the accounts from the last /accounts call happen to have. example:
      "0": {
        "name": "stars",
        "description": "free gacha points",
        "packName": "i0gvmq",
        "head": 227544
  • /texture?packName=xxx&head=123 gets a texture by packName and head. this can be used to get item icons. only works with png textures at the moment
  • /sifid?mail=nice@me.me gets a sif id by mail from sifid.db , please see the frontend documentation below for more info on how to set up this database. if the mail parameter is not specified, a random account that isn't linked to anything is picked example:
      "mail": "nice@me.me",
      "password": "sekrit",
      "secretQuestion": "Are traps gay?",
      "secretAnswer": "...",
      "birthMonth": 12,
      "birthDay": 1,
      "birthYear": 1992
  • /link?id=123123&mail=nice@me.me&password=passw0rd links a sif id to an account id. empty response. note that this merely initiates the link process. it will do it in the background, so to make sure the account is actually linked you have to keep polling /sifid with the mail you tried to link until it fails, which will mean it is linked. or simply keep polling accounts until it reports it as linked
  • /archive?id=123123 sets an account as archived, which means it won't be logged in anymore and the archived flag will be set to true. empty response


I have written a quick n dirty front-end in react that lets you visualize accounts and items, as well as link sif id's. you can start it like so

cd frontend
npm i
npm start

note: manually linking a sifid takes time. don't spam click the button. click it and wait like 30 seconds and it'll finally refresh. ideally you want some amount of accounts always pre-linked with --link-accounts instead. manual linking should be used for special cases

the filter field uses filtrex expressions. you can find more detailed info about the syntax here https://github.com/joewalnes/filtrex#expressions

filter fields:

  • urtickets: number of ur tickets (item 9015)
  • stars: number of free gacha stars (item 0)
  • sifidMail: set this as filter to only show accounts that have a sif id linked
  • id: account id
  • lastLogin: last login timestamp (unix milliseconds)
  • hoursAgo(x): timestamp for x hours ago (unix milliseconds)

it requires the backend to be running and at the moment must be hosted on the same machine/ip that hosts the backend

this can also pull sif id's automatically from a sifid.db sqlite database if present. it must be in the backend folder and requires at least these fields:

create table if not exists sifid(
  mail text primary key,
  password char[32] not null,
  secret_question text not null,
  secret_answer text not null,
  birth_month integer not null,
  birth_day integer not null,
  birth_year integer not null,

this will allow the frontend to

  • automatically pick a random sif id to link from the database
  • automatically copy all necessary linked sif id info for a particular account to the clipboard with a single button press

protocol overview

the body of each request is a json array that contains two elements

  • a json object
  • a hex string representation of the request hash

[{"my_data": "blahblah"},"123456789abcdef123456789abcdef123456789a"]

request headers are the default okhttp3 headers, plus content-type: application/json . make sure this header doesn't have the charset part or the server will refuse

the hash obtained by running hmac-sha1 on a string that contains the request path (including the query string) and the json object, separated by a space

example: /some/endpoint?u=123 {"my_data": "blahblah"}

the key for this hmac-sha1 hash is the sessionKey, which is initially set to startupKey. this startupKey changes for every version of the game, but you can easily extract it by using Il2CppDumper with unity version 2018.4 on libil2cpp.so and looking for the endpoint string in the generated script.py, the startup key will be nearby, it's a 16-character string. if you can't find it, you're gonna have to load the binary into ghidra or ida, and load the strings from script.py (it's an ida script), then look at ServerConfig$$.cctor and all the strings it references

you can even just straight up open the game's global-metadata.dat in a hex editor and search for the strings there

the base path of the endpoint (currently /ep1015) will also change every version

reponses will also be a json array that contains

  • a timestamp
  • a master version hash, we will need this later
  • unknown integer that is always zero
  • response json object
  • hash



the query string for requests can contain a number of parameters, in this order:

  • p: platform (a for android). this is always present
  • mv: the master version hash. can be obtained from the first response. omitted for the first request
  • id: request id. this is a sequential number that starts at 1 and increments for each successful request
  • t: unix timestamp in milliseconds. omitted for the first request
  • u: user id. omitted if not logged in. obtained from creating an account or recovering account data associated with a service id

order of parameters is important. the server cannot handle them out of order

there's a number of api's that return your password through an authorization_key field, which is base64-encoded. each one of them will require you to send a "mask" field in your request. this mask field is an array of 32 random bytes, encrypted with the game's public key and encoded as base64. the server then xors your password with these bytes before sending it to you. to get your actual password, you have to xor this back with the random bytes you sent. this password is used as your sessionKey. your password appears to be determined on account creation and doesn't seem to change, but it can be recovered through fetchGameService calls provided that you linked a service id to your accout

the public key can be obtained by searching for a string that starts with <RSAKeyValue> in the Il2CppDumper output as with the startup key. this is a .net xml key string. most other languages will want it converted to pem format. just take the pem formatted key from my code, it's probably never gonna change

apis that return your password:

  • /login/startup . this is where you create your account
  • /dataLink/fetchGameServiceDataBeforeLogin gets your account data from the linked service id
  • /dataLink/fetchGameServiceData same as above but it's an authenticated request signed with your password
  • /dataLink/fetchSchoolIdolFestivalIdDataAfterLogin get accounts associated with this sifid. it returns link data like fetchGameServiceData

as soon as you obtain your password, you should change your sessionKey from the startup key to the password and sign all authenticated requests with it

once you call /login/login with your password, you will get yet another xored authorization_key which is temporary for that particular session

the startup key is only used for fetchGameServiceDataBeforeLogin and startup as far as I know

some api calls have a device_token field. this is a firecloud messaging push notification token, which can be obtained by calling firebase api with the project number from base.apk/assets/google-services-desktop.json

some api calls have a asset_state field. this is an obfuscated string of bytes generated by libjackpot-core. you can check my code to see how it's computed. it's not checked at the moment, but it's best to generate it correctly. the value depends on the first 3 bytes of your random byte string used in mask, the md5, sha1, sha256 hashes of the package signature, as well as the md5, sha1, sha256 hashes of libil2cpp.so and libjackpot-core.so

api progress

  • /login/startup: creates a new account
  • /login/login: log into existing account
  • properly generating asset_state instead of hardcoding it
  • /dataLink/fetchGameServiceDataBeforeLogin gets existing accounts associated with a service_id, also used to get MasterVersion on startup
  • /terms/agreement used for checking the currently accepted ToS version and what the latest version to accept is
  • /userProfile/setProfile sets name, nickname, message and push notification token
  • /userProfile/setProfileBirthday sets birth month and day
  • /story/finishUserStoryMain completes a main story chapter
  • /live/start starts a live, receives note data for the chosen song
  • /ruleDescription/saveRuleDescription not sure, I think it has something to do with either gifts or storyline progress status
  • /live/finish completes a live. sends precise note-by-note scoring. accurate simulation of the game's scoring system is required to submit real scores, however for the tutorial lives it's possible to skip by submitting all the notes with zero values as demonstrated in my skipLive function. this is equivalent to pausing and clicking ok to skip the live
  • /communicationMember/setFavoriteMember sets favorite member, the character who appears in your main screen
  • /bootstrap/fetchBootstrap fetches all kinds of info based on the list of id's provided. things that can be fetched include login bonuses, expired items, new badges, banners, notices, billing info
  • /navi/tapLovePoint sent when you touch your waifu in the main screen
  • /navi/saveUserNaviVoice not 100% sure, I think it has to do with unlocking menu options
  • /trainingTree/fetchTrainingTree supposed to get training locations or something like that but during the tutorial the response is empty
  • /trainingTree/levelUpCard
  • /trainingTree/activateTrainingTreeCell probably sent when you start training. not sure where the cell id's come from
  • /communicationMember/finishUserStorySide complete a character side story
  • /card/updateCardNewFlag used to refresh cards info
  • /liveDeck/saveDeckAll saves live team/s. not sure what cardWithSuit means yet. maybe related to the outfit they're wearing?
  • /liveDeck/saveSuit not sure, but I think it saves the outfit for a particular character
  • /livePartners/fetch fetches a list of live partners. empty request
  • /gacha/fetchGachaMenu gets the list of scouting pools, empty req
  • /gacha/draw scout from a pool
  • /tutorial/phaseEnd ends the tutorial. empty request
  • /dataLink/fetchGameServiceData gets existing accounts associated with a service_id
  • /dataLink/linkOnStartUpGameService associates the currently logged account to a service id so it can be later retrieved with fetchGameServiceData or fetchGameServiceDataBeforeLogin
  • /loginBonus/readLoginBonus marks login bonus splashscreens as read. empty response
  • /notice/fetchNoticeDetail gets contents of a specific note. a list of notes can be obtained from fetch_bootstrap_notice_response when calling fetchBootstrap
  • /notice/fetchNotice gets various notices, empty request
  • /present/fetch gets a list of pending presents. empty request
  • /present/receive opens presents, takes a list of present id's from /present/fetch
  • /bootstrap/getClearedPlatformAchievement gets a list of achievement id's (probably linked to stuff like the android game hub or whatever it's called). empty request
  • /schoolIdolFestivalIdReward/fetch gets a list of sif id rewards. empty request
  • /dataLink/fetchDataLinks checks whether you have a sifid linked as well as whatever gaming platform your phone uses. empty request
  • /dataLink/fetchSchoolIdolFestivalIdDataAfterLogin get accounts associated with this sifid. it returns link data like fetchGameServiceData
  • /dataLink/linkSchoolIdolFestivalId link your sifid. empty request, sent after fetchSchoolIdolFestivalIdDataAfterLogin which is probably how the server knows what sifid to link


why kotlin? it just so happens that the http library used by the game is java and I decided to use it for better accuracy. I'm not a big fan of kotlin, it suffers from the same slow compilation as java, which is incredibly slow compared to something like C

I will not put this on maven - the directory structure and packaging process is too ugly and I don't want to tab 10 levels of subdirectories every time I edit a file. I will leave it as a simple single file. if you want to use this in a project feel free to just straight up embed the source file in it