
Reproducible experimental protocols for multimedia (audio, video, text) database

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Reproducible experimental protocols for multimedia (audio, video, text) database.

$ pip install pyannote.database


In pyannote.database jargon, a resource can be any multimedia entity (e.g. an image, an audio file, a video file, or a webpage). In its most simple form, it is modeled as a pyannote.database.ProtocolFile instance (basically a dict on steroids) with a uri key (URI stands for unique resource identifier) that identifies the entity.

Metadata may be associated to a resource by adding keys to its ProtocolFile. For instance, one could add a label key to an image resource describing whether it depicts a chihuahua or a muffin.

A database is a collection of resources of the same nature (e.g. a collection of audio files). It is modeled as a pyannote.database.Database instance.

An experimental protocol (pyannote.database.Protocol) usually defines three subsets:

  • a train subset (e.g. used to train a neural network),
  • a development subset (e.g. used to tune hyper-parameters),
  • a test subset (e.g. used for evaluation).

Configuration file

Experimental protocols are defined via a YAML configuration file:

            uri: /path/to/train.lst
            uri: /path/to/development.lst
            uri: /path/to/test.lst

where /path/to/train.lst contains the list of unique resource identifier (URI) of the files in the train subset:

# /path/to/train.lst

pyannote.database will look for the configuration file at the following locations, sorted by priority:

  1. database.yml in current working directory
  2. path provided by the PYANNOTE_DATABASE_CONFIG environment variable
  3. ~/.pyannote/database.yml

The newly defined MyDatabase.Protocol.MyProtocol can then be used in Python:

from pyannote.database import get_protocol
protocol = get_protocol('MyDatabase.Protocol.MyProtocol')
for resource in protocol.train():

Paths defined in the configuration file can be absolute or relative the directory containing the configuration file. For instance, the following file organization should work just fine:

├── database.yml
└── lists
    └── train.lst

with the content of database.yml as follows:

            uri: lists/train.lst

Data loaders

The above MyDatabase.Protocol.MyProtocol protocol is not very useful as it only allows to iterate over a list of resources with a single 'uri' key. Metadata can be added to each resource with the following syntax:

            uri: lists/train.lst
            speaker: rttms/train.rttm
            transcription: ctms/{uri}.ctm

and the following directory structure:

├── database.yml
├── lists
|   └── train.lst
├── rttms
|   └── train.rttm
└── ctms
    ├── filename1.ctm
    └── filename2.ctm

Now, resources have both 'speaker' and 'transcription' keys:

from pyannote.database import get_protocol
protocol = get_protocol('MyDatabase.Protocol.MyProtocol')
for resource in protocol.train():
    assert "speaker" in resource
    assert isinstance(resource["speaker"], pyannote.core.Annotation)
    assert "transcription" in resource
    assert isinstance(resource["transcription"], spacy.tokens.Doc)

What happened exactly? Data loaders were automatically selected based on metadata file suffix:

  • pyannote.database.loader.RTTMLoader for speaker entry with .rttm suffix
  • pyannote.database.loader.CTMLoader for transcription entry with ctm suffix).

and used to populate speaker and transcription keys. In pseudo-code:

# instantiate loader registered with `.rttm` suffix
speaker = RTTMLoader('rttms/train.rttm')

# entries with {placeholders} serve as path templates
transcription_template = 'ctms/{uri}.ctm'

for resource in protocol.train():
    # unique resource identifier
    uri = resource['uri']

    # only select parts of `rttms/train.rttm` that are relevant to current resource,
    # convert it into a convenient data structure (here pyannote.core.Annotation), 
    # and assign it to `'speaker'` resource key 
    resource['speaker'] = speaker[uri]

    # replace placeholders in `transcription` path template
    ctm = transcription_template.format(uri=uri)

    # instantiate loader registered with `.ctm` suffix
    transcription = CTMLoader(ctm)

    # only select parts of the `ctms/{uri}.ctm` that are relevant to current resource
    # (here, most likely the whole file), convert it into a convenient data structure
    # (here spacy.tokens.Doc), and assign it to `'transcription'` resource key 
    resource['transcription'] = transcription[uri]

pyannote.database provides built-in data loaders for a limited set of file formats: RTTMLoader for .rttm files, UEMLoader for .uem files, and CTMLoader for .ctm files. See Custom data loaders section to learn how to add your own.


When iterating over a protocol subset (e.g. using for resource in protocol.train()), resources are provided as instances of pyannote.database.ProtocolFile, which are basically dict instances whose values are computed lazily.

For instance, in the code above, the value returned by resource['speaker'] is only computed the first time it is accessed and then cached for all subsequent calls. See Custom data loaders section for more details.

Similarly, resources can be augmented (or modified) on-the-fly with the preprocessors options for get_protocol. In the example below, a dummy key is added that simply returns the length of the uri string:

def compute_dummy(resource: ProtocolFile):
    print(f"Computing 'dummy' key")
    return len(resource["uri"])
preprocessors = {"dummy": compute_dummy}
protocol = get_protocol('Etape.SpeakerDiarization.TV', preprocessors=preprocessors)
resource = next(protocol.train())
Computing 'dummy' key


FileFinder is a special case of preprocessors is pyannote.database.FileFinder meant to automatically locate the media file associated with the uri.

Say audio files are available at the following paths:

└── /path/to
    └── audio
        ├── filename1.wav
        ├── filename2.mp3
        ├── filename3.wav
        ├── filename4.wav
        └── filename5.mp3

The FileFinder preprocessor relies on a Databases: section that should be added to the database.yml configuration file and indicates where to look for media files (using resource key placeholders):

    - /path/to/audio/{uri}.wav
    - /path/to/audio/{uri}.mp3

            uri: lists/train.lst

Note that any pattern supported by pathlib.Path.glob is supported (but avoid ** as much as possible). Paths can also be relative to the location of database.yml. It will then do its best to locate the file at runtime:

from pyannote.database import FileFinder
preprocessors = {"audio": FileFinder()}
protocol = get_protocol('MyDatabase.', preprocessors=preprocessors)
for resource in protocol.train():



A raw collection of files (i.e. without any train/development/test split) can be defined using the Collection task:

# ~/database.yml
        uri: /path/to/collection.lst
        any_other_key: ... # see custom loader documentation

where /path/to/collection.lst contains the list of identifiers of the files in the collection:

# /path/to/collection.lst

It can the be used in Python like this:

from pyannote.database import get_protocol
collection = get_protocol('MyDatabase.Collection.MyCollection')
for file in collection.files():

Speaker diarization

A protocol can be defined specifically for speaker diarization using the SpeakerDiarization task:

            uri: /path/to/train.lst
            annotation: /path/to/train.rttm
            annotated: /path/to/train.uem

where /path/to/train.lst contains the list of identifiers of the files in the training set:

# /path/to/train.lst

/path/to/train.rttm contains the reference speaker diarization using RTTM format:

# /path/to/reference.rttm
SPEAKER filename1 1 3.168 0.800 <NA> <NA> speaker_A <NA> <NA>
SPEAKER filename1 1 5.463 0.640 <NA> <NA> speaker_A <NA> <NA>
SPEAKER filename1 1 5.496 0.574 <NA> <NA> speaker_B <NA> <NA>
SPEAKER filename1 1 10.454 0.499 <NA> <NA> speaker_B <NA> <NA>
SPEAKER filename2 1 2.977 0.391 <NA> <NA> speaker_C <NA> <NA>
SPEAKER filename2 1 18.705 0.964 <NA> <NA> speaker_C <NA> <NA>
SPEAKER filename2 1 22.269 0.457 <NA> <NA> speaker_A <NA> <NA>
SPEAKER filename2 1 28.474 1.526 <NA> <NA> speaker_A <NA> <NA>

/path/to/train.uem describes the annotated regions using UEM format:

filename1 NA 0.000 30.000
filename2 NA 0.000 30.000
filename2 NA 40.000 70.000

It is recommended to provide the annotated key even if it covers the whole file. Any part of annotation that lives outside of the provided annotated will be removed. It is also used by pyannote.metrics to remove un-annotated regions from the evaluation, and to prevent pyannote.audio from incorrectly considering empty un-annotated regions as non-speech.

It can then be used in Python like this:

from pyannote.database import get_protocol
protocol = get_protocol('MyDatabase.SpeakerDiarization.MyProtocol')
for file in protocol.train():
   assert "annotation" in file
   assert "annotated" in file

Speaker verification

A simple speaker verification protocol can be defined by adding a trial entry to a SpeakerVerification task:

            uri: /path/to/train.lst
            duration: /path/to/duration.map
            trial: /path/to/trial.txt

where /path/to/train.lst contains the list of identifiers of the files in the collection:

# /path/to/collection.lst

/path/to/duration.map contains the duration of the files:

filename1 30.000
filename2 30.000

/path/to/trial.txt contains a list of trials :

1 filename1 filename2
0 filename1 filename3

1 stands for target trials and 0 for non-target trials. In the example below, it means that the same speaker uttered files filename1 and filename2 and that filename1 and filename3 are from two different speakers.

It can then be used in Python like this:

from pyannote.database import get_protocol
protocol = get_protocol('MyDatabase.SpeakerVerification.MyProtocol')
for trial in protocol.train_trial():
   print(f"{trial['reference']} {trial['file1']['uri']} {trial['file2']['uri']}")
1 filename1 filename2
0 filename1 filename3

Note that speaker verification protocols (SpeakerVerificationProtocol) are a subclass of speaker diarization protocols (SpeakerDiarizationProtocol). As such, they also define regular {subset} methods.


pyannote.database provides a way to combine several protocols (possibly from different databases) into one.

This is achieved by defining those "meta-protocols" into the configuration file with the special X database:

          MyDatabase.Protocol.MyProtocol: [train, development]
          MyOtherDatabase.Protocol.MyOtherProtocol: [train, ]
          MyDatabase.Protocol.MyProtocol: [test, ]
          MyOtherDatabase.Protocol.MyOtherProtocol: [development, ]
          MyOtherDatabase.Protocol.MyOtherProtocol: [test, ]

The new X.Protocol.MyMetaProtocol combines the train and development subsets of MyDatabase.Protocol.MyProtocol with the train subset of MyOtherDatabase.Protocol.MyOtherProtocol to build a meta train subset.

This new "meta-protocol" can be used like any other protocol of the (fake) X database:

from pyannote.database import get_protocol
protocol = get_protocol('X.Protocol.MyMetaProtocol')
for resource in protocol.train():


For more complex protocols, you can create (and share) your own pyannote.database plugin.

A bunch of pyannote.database plugins are already available (search for pyannote.db on pypi)


Databases and tasks

Available databases can be discovered using get_databases:

from pyannote.database import get_databases

Any database can then be instantiated as follows:

from pyannote.database import get_database
database = get_database("MyDatabase")

Some databases (especially multimodal ones) may be used for several tasks. One can get a list of tasks using get_tasks method:


One can also get the overall list of tasks, as well as the list of databases that implement at least one protocol for a specific task.

from pyannote.database import get_tasks

This might come handy in case you want to automatically benchmark a particular approach on every database for a given task.

Custom data loaders

pyannote.database provides built-in data loaders for a limited set of file formats: RTTMLoader for .rttm files, UEMLoader for .uem files, and CTMLoader for .ctm files.

In case those are not enough, pyannote.database supports the addition of custom data loaders using the pyannote.database.loader entry point.

Defining custom data loaders

Here is an example of a Python package called your_package that defines two custom data loaders for files with .ext1 and .ext2 suffix respectively.

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ YourPackage/your_package/loader.py ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
from pyannote.database import ProtocolFile
from pathlib import Path

class Ext1Loader:
    def __init__(self, ext1: Path):
        print(f'Initializing Ext1Loader with {ext1}')
        # your code should obviously do something smarter.
        # see pyannote.database.loader.RTTMLoader for an example.
        self.ext1 = ext1

    def __call__(self, current_file: ProtocolFile) -> Text:
        uri = current_file["uri"]
        print(f'Processing {uri} with Ext1Loader')
        # your code should obviously do something smarter.
        # see pyannote.database.loader.RTTMLoader for an example.
        return f'{uri}.ext1'

class Ext2Loader:
    def __init__(self, ext2: Path):
        print(f'Initializing Ext2Loader with {ext2}')
        # your code should obviously do something smarter.
        # see pyannote.database.loader.RTTMLoader for an example.
        self.ext2 = ext2

    def __call__(self, current_file: ProtocolFile) -> Text:
        uri = current_file["uri"]
        print(f'Processing {uri} with Ext2Loader')
        # your code should obviously do something smarter.
        # see pyannote.database.loader.RTTMLoader for an example.
        return f'{uri}.ext2'
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The __init__ method expects a unique positional argument of type Path that provides the path to the data file in the custom data format.

__call__ expects a unique positional argument of type ProtocolFile and returns the data for the given file.

It is recommended to make __init__ as fast and light as possible and delegate all the data filtering and formatting to __call__. For instance, RTTMLoader.__init__ uses pandas to load the full .rttm file as fast as possible in a DataFrame, while RTTMLoader.__call__ takes care of selecting rows that correspond to the requested file and convert them into a pyannote.core.Annotation.

Registering custom data loaders

At this point, pyannote.database has no idea of the existence of these new custom data loaders. They must be registered using the pyannote.database.loader entry-point in your_package's setup.py, and then install the library pip install your_package (or pip install -e YourPackage/ if it is not published on PyPI yet).

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ YourPackage/setup.py ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
        "pyannote.database >= 4.0",
        "pyannote.database.loader": [
            # load files with extension '.ext1' 
            # with your_package.loader.Ext1Loader
            ".ext1 = your_package.loader:Ext1Loader",
            # load files with extension '.ext2' 
            # with your_package.loader.Ext2Loader
            ".ext2 = your_package.loader:Ext2Loader",
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Testing custom data loaders

Now that .ext1 and .ext2 data loaders are registered, they will be used automatically by pyannote.database when parsing the sample demo/database.yml custom protocol configuration file.

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ demo/database.yml ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
           uri: train.lst
           key1: train.ext1
           key2: train.ext2
# tell pyannote.database about the configuration file
>>> import os
>>> os.environ['PYANNOTE_DATABASE_CONFIG'] = 'demo/database.yml'

# load custom protocol
>>> from pyannote.database import get_protocol
>>> protocol = get_protocol('MyDatabase.SpeakerDiarization.MyProtocol')

# get first file of training set
>>> first_file = next(protocol.train())
Initializing Ext1Loader with file train.ext1
Initializing Ext2Loader with file train.ext2

# access its "key1" and "key2" keys.
>>> assert first_file["key1"] == 'fileA.ext1'
Processing fileA with Ext1Loader
>>> assert first_file["key2"] == 'fileA.ext2'
Processing fileA with Ext2Loader
# note how __call__ is only called now (and not before)
# this is why it is better to delegate all the filtering and formatting to __call__

>>> assert first_file["key1"] == 'fileA.ext1'
# note how __call__ is not called the second time thanks to ProtocolFile built-in cache


An experimental protocol can be defined programmatically by creating a class that inherits from SpeakerDiarizationProtocol and implements at least one of train_iter, development_iter and test_iter methods:

class MyProtocol(Protocol):
    def train_iter(self) -> Iterator[Dict]:
        yield {"uri": "filename1", "any_other_key": "..."}
        yield {"uri": "filename2", "any_other_key": "..."}

{subset}_iter should return an iterator of dictionnaries with - "uri" key (mandatory) that provides a unique file identifier (usually the filename), - any other key that the protocol may provide.

It can then be used in Python like this:

protocol = MyProtocol()
for file in protocol.train():


A collection can be defined programmatically by creating a class that inherits from CollectionProtocol and implements the files_iter method:

class MyCollection(CollectionProtocol):
    def files_iter(self) -> Iterator[Dict]:
        yield {"uri": "filename1", "any_other_key": "..."}
        yield {"uri": "filename2", "any_other_key": "..."}
        yield {"uri": "filename3", "any_other_key": "..."}

files_iter should return an iterator of dictionnaries with - a mandatory "uri" key that provides a unique file identifier (usually the filename), - any other key that the collection may provide.

It can then be used in Python like this:

collection = MyCollection()
for file in collection.files():

Speaker diarization

A speaker diarization protocol can be defined programmatically by creating a class that inherits from SpeakerDiarizationProtocol and implements at least one of train_iter, development_iter and test_iter methods:

class MySpeakerDiarizationProtocol(SpeakerDiarizationProtocol):
    def train_iter(self) -> Iterator[Dict]:
        yield {"uri": "filename1",
               "annotation": Annotation(...),
               "annotated": Timeline(...)}
        yield {"uri": "filename2",
               "annotation": Annotation(...),
               "annotated": Timeline(...)}

{subset}_iter should return an iterator of dictionnaries with

  • "uri" key (mandatory) that provides a unique file identifier (usually the filename),
  • "annotation" key (mandatory for train and development subsets) that provides reference speaker diarization as a pyannote.core.Annotation instance,
  • "annotated" key (recommended) that describes which part of the file has been annotated, as a pyannote.core.Timeline instance. Any part of "annotation" that lives outside of the provided "annotated" will be removed. This is also used by pyannote.metrics to remove un-annotated regions from its evaluation report, and by pyannote.audio to not consider empty un-annotated regions as non-speech.
  • any other key that the protocol may provide.

It can then be used in Python like this:

protocol = MySpeakerDiarizationProtocol()
for file in protocol.train():

Speaker verification

A speaker verification protocol implement the {subset}_trial functions, useful in speaker verification validation process. Note that SpeakerVerificationProtocol is a subclass of SpeakerDiarizationProtocol. As such, it shares the same {subset}_iter methods, and need a mandatory {subset}_iter method.

A speaker verification protocol can be defined programmatically by creating a class that inherits from SpeakerVerificationProtocol and implement at least one of train_trial_iter, development_trial_iter and test_trial_iter methods:

class MySpeakerVerificationProtocol(SpeakerVerificationProtocol):
    def train_iter(self) -> Iterator[Dict]:
        yield {"uri": "filename1",
               "annotation": Annotation(...),
               "annotated": Timeline(...)}
        yield {"uri": "filename2",
               "annotation": Annotation(...),
               "annotated": Timeline(...)}
    def train_trial_iter(self) -> Iterator[Dict]:
        yield {"reference": 1,
               "file1": ProtocolFile(...),
               "file2": ProtocolFile(...)}
        yield {"reference": 0,
               "file1": {
               "file1": {

{subset}_trial_iter should return an iterator of dictionnaries with

  • reference key (mandatory) that provides an int portraying whether file1 and file2 are uttered by the same speaker (1 is same, 0 is different),
  • file1 key (mandatory) that provides the first file,
  • file2 key (mandatory) that provides the second file.

Both file1 and file2 should be provided as dictionaries or pyannote.database.protocol.protocol.ProtocolFile instances with

  • uri key (mandatory),
  • try_with key (mandatory) that describes which part of the file should be used in the validation process, as a pyannote.core.Timeline instance.
  • any other key that the protocol may provide.

It can then be used in Python like this:

protocol = MySpeakerVerificationProtocol()
for trial in protocol.train_trial():
   print(f"{trial['reference']} {trial['file1']['uri']} {trial['file2']['uri']}")
1 filename1 filename2
0 filename1 filename3