
web server docker container for fuzzing pratice

Primary LanguageDockerfile


web server docker container for fuzzing pratice

How-to Install

Quick install

If you want a quick install without additional content, run the script: ./create-container.sh

Custom install

Add your files and folders in the web-content folder and then run the script: ./create-container.sh

Running the container

Once you have run the script, you have to check first if the image is in docker's image list: docker images As you run the command, you should see an image called fuzzing-web-server. You can create the container in two ways:

  • Using a docker network
  • Exposing the container's port in localhost

In the first solution:

  • Run docker network create mynetwork-name
  • Run docker run --name=my-fuzzing-web-server --network=mynetwork-name fuzzing-web-server

In the second solution run: docker run --name=my-fuzzing-web-server -p 8080:8080 fuzzing-web-server