
My coding skill practice project

Primary LanguageKotlinOtherNOASSERTION


A simple project, Based on default settings of my previous project springboot-multimodule-kotlin, that demonstrating my programming skills.

In this project. I especially focused on showcasing:

  1. OpenJDK 13 or above.

  2. Flutter SDK is also required for build process.

  3. (Optional, Recommended) IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate for debugging.

Tested and built under This 3 major operating systems in 2020: Windows, MacOS and Linux.

Due to inadequate support of Gradle and Kotlin plugin, unfortunately this project is cannot be run under in Eclipse IDE. I’m still trying to find a workaround for this.

Ensure that both Java SDK and Flutter SDK commands are directly accessible via PATH, before build process.

./gradlew clean assemble [-PbuildConfig={local|release}]
  • buildConfig will be defaulted as local if the option is omitted.

  • Standalone executable JAR file will be created in app-main/build/outputs directory after assemble task is finished.

You must place an application.yml file before running this application in project root or execution context root. In order to help a quick start, there is application.yml.sample file is in root directory. Just copy that file and change name to application.yml, and you’re all set to go.

Run server after build by following:

java -jar app-main/build/libs/app-main-1.0.jar

and access to localhost with port number specified in your own application.yml file.

This project is written under TDD practice, thus there are many test cases to prove logical integrity. As we know, integration tests are tests but running them takes long time rather than unit tests. Therefore, those two tests are separated in this project, and you can run both of them by following:

./gradlew test integrationTest jacocoTestReport

to run all tests and coverage reports in each build/reports directory.

There is a good article about testing - read Google Testing Blog post for more details.

This project uses detekt as a static analyser. Gradle detekt task will perform a static analysis by following:

./gradlew detekt

For your own configuration, read the official document and modify gradle/scripts/detekt.gradle file.

There are translations in several languages. You can read this document in español(castellano), 한국어, and 日本語.