
Source for the Adobe AIR native extension for the Chartboost SDK with compile scripts.

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Chartboost Android and iOS Adobe AIR Plugin

Use the Chartboost plugin for Adobe AIR to add many features to your mobile games including displaying interstitials and more apps pages.

Note - The Chartboost Adobe AIR plugin is currently in Beta

Getting Started

After you have set up your app on the Chartboost web portal, you are ready to begin integrating Chartboost into your AIR project.

First, import the Chartboost native extension into your AIR app. We recommend creating a directory in your project for native extensions, and copy Chartboost.ane and Chartboost.swc to that directory. Then, if you are using Flash Builder, you can just add that directory as a native extension directory in your project settings.

Second, make sure you add the <extensionID> declaration to your AIR application descriptor's root <application> element like in the following example:

Details for iOS

Please note that Chartboost only supports iOS 6 and higher.

Details for Android

Please note that Chartboost only supports Android 2.2 and higher.

Before building for Android, you must place the following manifest additions into your AIR application descriptor file. Remember to swap in your application's ID and signature from the Chartboost web portal.

	<manifest android:installLocation="auto">
		<!-- This permission is required for Chartboost. -->
		<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
		<!-- These permissions are recommended for Chartboost. -->
		<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
		<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>
		<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE"/>
			<!-- The app ID and signature for the Android version of your AIR app must be placed here. -->
			<meta-data android:name="__ChartboostAir__AppID" android:value="ANDROID_APP_ID" />
			<meta-data android:name="__ChartboostAir__AppSignature" android:value="ANDROID_APP_SIGNATURE" />
			<!-- Also required for the Chartboost SDK. -->
			<activity android:name="com.chartboost.sdk.CBImpressionActivity"
									  android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar" />


If you want to jump straight into things, just examine the files in the sample folder. Be sure to watch the log (debug builds only) when playing with the demo scenes, as some of the buttons will not have obvious effects.


Chartboost Setup

First, import the Chartboost classes into your code.

import com.chartboost.plugin.air.Chartboost;
import com.chartboost.plugin.air.ChartboostEvent;

We recommend making a variable in your class to store a reference to the global Chartboost instance.

private var chartboost:Chartboost;

// later...
chartboost = Chartboost.getInstance();

To initialize Chartboost, call the init() method with your application's ID and signature from the Chartboost web portal. You'll probably need to call it conditionally for different platforms, so we've provided some helper functions for you to use.

if (Chartboost.isAndroid()) {
} else if (Chartboost.isIOS()) {
	chartboost.init("IOS_APP_ID", "IOS_APP_SIGNATURE");
Calling Chartboost methods

In /actionscript/src/com/chartboost/plugin/air/Chartboost.as you will find the AIR-to-native methods used to interact with the Chartboost plugin:

/** Initializes the Chartboost plugin and, on iOS, records the beginning of a user session */
public function init(appID:String, appSignature:String):void

/** Caches an interstitial. Location is optional. */
public function cacheInterstitial(location:String = "default"):void

/** Shows an interstitial. Location is optional. */
public function showInterstitial(location:String = "default"):void

/** Checks to see if an interstitial is cached. Location is optional. */
public function hasCachedInterstitial(location:String = "default"):Boolean

/** Caches the more apps screen. */
public function cacheMoreApps():void

/** Shows the more apps screen. */
public function showMoreApps():void

/** Checks to see if the more apps screen is cached. */
public function hasCachedMoreApps():Boolean

/** Force impressions to show in a particular orientation.
  * Pass one of the following: "Portrait", "LandscapeLeft", "PortraitUpsideDown", "LandscapeRight".
  * Pass an empty string (default) to stop overriding the default orientation. */
public function forceOrientation(orientation:String = ""):void
Listening to Chartboost Events

Chartboost fires off many different events to inform you of the status of impressions. In order to react these events, you must explicitly listen for them. The best place to do this is the initialization code for your active screen:

// in some initializing code
chartboost.addEventListener(ChartboostEvent.INTERSTITIAL_CACHED, onAdCached);

// in the same class
private function onAdCached( event:ChartboostEvent ):void {
	trace( "Chartboost: on Interstitial cached: ", event.location );

In /actionscript/src/com/chartboost/plugin/air/ChartboostEvent.as you will find all of the events that are available to listen to:

/** Fired when an interstitial fails to load. */
public static const INTERSTITIAL_FAILED:String;

/** Fired when an interstitial is finished via any method.
  * This will always be paired with either a close or click event. */
public static const INTERSTITIAL_CLICKED:String;

/** Fired when an interstitial is closed
  * (i.e. by tapping the X or hitting the Android back button). */
public static const INTERSTITIAL_CLOSED:String;

/** Fired when an interstitial is clicked. */
public static const INTERSTITIAL_DISMISSED:String;		

/** Fired when an interstitial is cached. */
public static const INTERSTITIAL_CACHED:String;

/** Fired when an interstitial is shown. */
public static const INTERSTITIAL_SHOWED:String;

/** Fired when the more apps screen fails to load. */
public static const MOREAPPS_FAILED:String;

/** Fired when the more apps screen is finished via any method.
  * This will always be paired with either a close or click event. */
public static const MOREAPPS_CLICKED:String;

/** Fired when the more apps screen is closed
  * (i.e. by tapping the X or hitting the Android back button). */
public static const MOREAPPS_CLOSED:String;

/** Fired when a listing on the more apps screen is clicked. */
public static const MOREAPPS_DISMISSED:String;

/** Fired when the more apps screen is cached. */
public static const MOREAPPS_CACHED:String;

/** Fired when the more app screen is shown. */
public static const MOREAPPS_SHOWED:String;